The Meeting Details page allows users to focus on a specific meeting, upcoming and completed, to view and edit additional information that is not displayed in the Meeting Dashboard. Users see the Meeting Details page when they click on an individual meeting in the Meeting Dashboard.
Upcoming Meetings
The details tab is the landing page for Meeting Details. It has a few high-level insights and the ability to copy the meeting link. Users can also edit, start, or delete the meeting from this page. The detail page allows users to see basic information about their upcoming meetings and log those meetings against an object in their CRM.
Logging a Meeting to CRM
Once a meeting has been scheduled users will be able to log the meeting against a Lead, Contact, Account, or Opportunity in Salesforce.
Logging a Meeting to Salesforce:
- Click on the Log Meeting button and then users will be given the option to select which object to log the meeting against.
- Once the users choose what object type to relate the meeting to, they will be able to search their CRM for the correct object they are looking for.
- Users can always edit the CRM information after initially selecting an object to log the meeting against.
Guest List
The Guest List shows you who’s been invited to the Meeting and allows you to invite additional participants.
The Content page allows you to prepare files for your upcoming meeting. Search through the entire Content Hub content library that you have permission to view - only content that is shareable will be seen in the search results list. This ensures you are only presenting content that your organization has deemed appropriate for external viewers.
Prepared files will be available to present during the Live Meeting.
Completed Meetings
Completed meetings have 6 tabs on the meeting details page:
- Details
- Guest List
- Content
- Playback
- Engagement
- Notes
The details tab is the landing page for Meeting Details. The details page has high-level insights about the meeting. Details include: Date, Source, Start time, End time, Duration, Host, CRM details, number of Files Presented, Time Sharing Files, Time Screen Sharing, and the Average Attention Score.
Guest List
Users can see all of the Guests who joined this meeting and some information about those Guests that they chose to share on the Join Meeting page.
Users can see all of the Content that was presented and how long it was presented during the meeting.
The Notes tab contains any notes taken during the live meeting. Notes are plain text.
The playback tab is where the meeting recording is accessed. Users can right-click the recording to download an mp4 of the meeting. The Chat history from the Meeting is displayed here alongside Conversation Intelligence metrics using our Voice Vibes integration.
When viewing a completed Meeting, users can see the average Attention score of every user in the Meeting. The Attention score will be plotted on a graph showing Users how each guest’s attention changed during the course of the Meeting. Users will be able to hover over the graph and see what was being presented (or who was speaking) at any given time during the Meeting.