Media Manager - Availability Date with Time Component for Assets


With the date availability feature, we have added a time component as well.  UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) is a new feature that can be added to availability dates.  Now, assets can be released to the app not only on a certain date, but also at a certain time (and removed as such).  Files will be available relative to the user's time zone (for example, if you mark it as available at 1PM CST, it will be available at 11AM PST).

To start, locate the asset and tap into it, and scroll to the bottom of the page to the "Asset Details" section: 

Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 1.38.15 PM.png

Scroll down to see the Availability Restriction boxes. Select the start and end dates, as well as the start and end times you would like this media content to be seen. When you choose a time, it is relative to your time zone. For example, if you mark it at 1pm CST, it will be available at 11am PST.

A date must be added for this feature to work.  If no time is indicated, then the media will release or disappear from the app at midnight of the chosen dates:

Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 1.39.25 PM.png

Click save when finished.

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