How do I enable “Presentation Mode?"

  1. Tap the Group icon on the lower nav bar
  2. Tap the name of the group that you would like to use. It will highlight blue and reveal its contents
  3. Tap the Play button on the right hand side of the screen

  4. Prior to entering presentation mode, you can rearrange the assets, within a group, into any order you'd like by pressing and holding on an asset. The assets will begin to "wiggle." Once in this mode, you can tap and hold any asset and move it to the order in which you'd like it to appear.

  5. The app will enter the first page of the first asset in the group
  6. Tap to the center of the screen to reveal the other assets in the group
  7. Swipe left or right to navigate between assets
  8. To swipe among the pages of a multi-page asset, tap the “pushpin” icon on the top right-hand side of the screen, tap the “Pen” icon
  9. Swipe left and right to navigate among the pages of a piece of collateral
  10. To unpin the document tap the “pushpin” icon.

To loop a presentation, please visit "How do I loop a Presentation?"

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