Copying Segments and Folders

How to Copy a Segment or Folder

  1. Click on the Folder or Segment row
  2. Click on the Copy Button

  3. Name the segment or folder
  4. Unclick the Include Images button if you would like to NOT include the folder or segment images in the copy
  5. If you would like to include the assets (not just folder structure) in the copy click Include Assets
  6. To remap the current assets click to Use Same Assets button
  7. To duplicate the assets (thereby making a unique copy) click the Create New Record button
  8. Click Copy
  9. You may need to refresh your browser in order to view the copy


Use Same Assets vs. Duplicate Assets: You might want to use the “same assets” if you are duplicating a folder to be housed in the same segment and used by the same users in a different context. You may want to “duplicate assets” in the event that an asset may be updated or deleted from the system entirely in one segment or folder and not another.

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