Add Assets to a Quick Group


If you no longer need the Assets within your Quick Group, you can clear it to ensure its empty prior to your next Customer meeting.


To add assets to a Quick Group, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Home or Library.
  2. Use the checkbox on the left-side of the screen to select the Assets that you want to add to the Quick Group. (Or, you can click the Checkbox at top-left, to select all of the files at once, as shown below.)


  3. Click the Share icon, at top-right.
  4. Click the + Add to Group button.


  5. A pop-up will appear, which enables you to select which groups you would like to add the Assets to.
      • Use the checkboxes on the left to select Quick Group (as shown below).
      • You can also create a new, custom Group, if desired.

  6. Click the Add to Group button, at the lower-right side of the pop-up (also shown below).


When you go to Groups > Quick Group, you will see the Assets appear in the Quick Group.





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