The imSMART application enables you to email files (which we call Assets) to other people.
- In some cases, a file is too large to be attached to an email. When this occurs, the email will contain a link to the file, which enables the person to download it.
- Generally speaking, the link is only valid for 14 days, so the file should be downloaded before the link expires. (Your company can specify its preferred timeframe within the Content Management System (CMS).
You can email an Asset from the Library screen or while viewing the Asset file itself.
Emailing a Single Asset from the Library
To email an Asset to someone, follow these steps:
- Go to the Library screen.
- Choose the Asset that you would like to send.
- Click on the checkbox to the left of the Asset name to select the file.
- Click on the Share icon (in the top-right corner of your screen).
- A pop-up will appear.
- Select the Email option (as shown below).
- Your email application will open and you can send the file.
Emailing multiple Assets from the Library
To email an Asset to someone, follow these steps:
- Go to the Library screen.
- Choose the Assets that you would like to send.
- Click on the checkbox to the left of the Asset name to select the file.
- Click on the Share icon (in the top-right corner of your screen).
- A pop-up will appear.
- Select the Email option (as shown below).
- Your email application will open and you can send the file.
Emailing an Asset when you are Viewing the Asset
To email an Asset to someone, follow these steps:
- You will see option listed across the top of the Asset.
- Click on the Email icon (as shown below).
- Your email application will open and you can send the file.