Asset Download Behavior

The purpose of the Asset Download Behavior function is to allow the user of the App to download an asset on demand as opposed to the asset automatically syncing to the iPad. This serves two ends: 1. It keeps the size of the app smaller, 2. keeps the sync time shorter and reduces errors on large files syncing over wifi. We recommend that most files are Automatic, so that the user can have access to the files instantly and offline. 

  1. Automatic will sync the asset to the iPad and make it available offline.
  2. On Demand will allow the user to download the asset to the iPad upon opening the asset. Please note that the app user must be online to utilize this function. This function is recommended for larger files that are less likely to be used on a day-to-day basis.
  3. Under the Customization > Settings tab, you can configure all assets within the app as Automatic or On Demand. On the asset details screen choosing the Inherited option will inherit the setting in the Customization. 
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