Note: Bolded items only work on Apple devices.
Documents: pdf, doc*, docx*,
Images: jpg, gif, png, tiff, tif
Video: mp3, m4v, mp4, mov
Audio: mp3, m4a, m4r, au, wav, caf, aac, aif, aiff, aifc
Adobe Files: ai, eps, psd
Note: Adobe files are downloaded to the iPad, but are unsupported within the app. To view on the iPad, tap "Open In" option to open these files in other apps that support these file types.
* Microsoft Files can't be opened directly in the Windows and Android versions of the imSMART app. We recommend converting them to PDF's. If you would like to share the Microsoft version of the file, we recommend using the alternate file share (Windows) or alternate file share (iOS & Android) feature.