To view current Assets loaded to CMS system, click on Assets menu option. This will take you to the List of Assets screen where you can Add, Edit or View Assets.
To add an Asset to the system, click on Add Asset button just above the Filter Module
To add an Asset, the following details need to be provided:
- Asset file - To see what files can be loaded, view the supported file type list. If there are problems viewing the asset, we recommend converting the asset to the PDF format.
- Title
By default, an Asset is Active and is able to be shared via email.
The following options will help to define the Asset further for searching and filtering:
- Description
- Keywords
- Tag
Additionally each asset has a number of associated options:
- Allow to share: user can email, and print assets
- Allow opening in other apps: User can “open in” other applications on the iPad
- Allow adding to groups: User can assign asset to a “Group”
- Asset Visibility:
- Web Only: Asset will not be synced to the App, only the web portal
- Tablet Only: Asset will not be synced to the web portal, only the tablet
- Both: The asset will be visible in both the web portal and the tablet
- Active: When checked the asset will be synced
- Show Title Bar: enable title bar overlaid the asset tile (only on Large Rectangle, Small Rectangle, Large Square images, 1/3rd Image and 2/3rd Image)
If you don’t provide an image, a default icon based on file type will be displayed in the app.
To specify the Segment for an Asset, check the check box next to the segment. Assets can also be placed in folders by checking the check box next to the folder. Note: You must map an asset to a folder or segment. Assets have a “1 to many” relationship, meaning that they can be mapped in many places at once.