When successfully logged in, you will be taken to the Organize Screen.
On this screen you can:
- Add/Edit Segments
- Define sort order level of Segments
- Access the nested folders within the Segments
Adding a Segment
Clicking New Segment takes you to the Create Segment screen.
To add a Segment, the following details need to be provided:
- Title
- Segment Image
By default, a Segment is Active. This means that it will sync to the iPads, and appear on the web portal.
To Edit a Segment, from the Organize screen:
- Click on the box containing the Segment title,
- The box will highlight in blue,
- Click on the Edit button.
From the Edit Segment screen you can:
- Change the Segment title,
- Change the description,
- Disable and enable a Segment by unchecking/checking the Active checkbox,
- Change the image by choosing a new image which will be uploaded when saved.