Adding a Segment

When successfully logged in, you will be taken to the Organize Screen.


On this screen you can:

  1. Add/Edit Segments
  2. Define sort order level of Segments
  3. Access the nested folders within the Segments


Adding a Segment

Clicking New Segment takes you to the Create Segment screen.

To add a Segment, the following details need to be provided:

  1. Title
  2. Segment Image



By default, a Segment is Active. This means that it will sync to the iPads, and appear on the web portal.

On the above screen, you can also associate the segment to a Department, which is the parent of a segment or set of segments. 

When finished, press Save.


To Edit a Segment, from the Organize screen:

  1. Click on the pencil edit icon containing the Segment title,
  2. You will be redirected to the segment information.
  3. Click Save once you have made your desired changes.

From the Edit Segment screen you can:

  1. Change the Segment title
  2. Change the description
  3. Disable and enable a Segment by unchecking/checking the Active checkbox,
  4. Change the image by choosing a new image which will be uploaded when saved.
  5. Change the department the segment is associated with
  6. Adjust the template layout settings
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