1. Leads Tab
Click on the Leads tab in the left side menu:
Find the search bar in the top right corner and click to type in the name of your event or scroll through the list:
After you select your event, you can export the list by clicking on the black download cloud in the top right corner. This will download a .CSV file with your leads:
2. Events Page
When you click on the Events tab on the left side menu, you will see a list of the events in your account. There are icons assigned to each event. Click on the first icon that looks like a chart:
This will bring you to the leads page where you will export the leads in a .CSV file by clicking on the black download cloud:
3. In the Event
If you are viewing an event, you will see a "View Leads" button in the top right corner. Click there to open the leads page for the event:
Click on the black download cloud to export the leads in a .CSV:
Viewing Leads in the App:
You can also view Leads in the app. Go to the settings page of your app. You will see a button that says "View Leads", click on this:
A page will open that shows the leads for the event. You can click on the names to edit the leads or send another follow up. You can also remove leads from the app after an event is finished by clicking "Purge Sent Leads". This is meant for editing leads during the show, not necessarily following up post-show. We recommend importing leads into your CRM system or using the excel export for the follow up process:
A green checkmark next to the Lead means that it has been sent to Media Manager and can now be purged. If there is not a green checkmark, the Lead is waiting for the app to be connected to a network to sync and won't be purged if purge is selected.
** This list will show all leads from all events collected on the device, unless you "purge sent leads" after every show.