Modus Communicate web application (legacy view) - Agendas Section


To create an agenda from the Agendas tab, first tap on the blue ellipsis button. Once tapped, the "+" sign will appear and users should tap this: Screen_Shot_2019-09-18_at_3.25.35_PM.png

A windows will open so users can create their agenda.  Enter a title for your new agenda and then push the "Create Agenda" button:


The new agenda is now created. Users can add assets to it at any time. To add assets immediately, click on the Media Library tab. Tap the "+" sign on the image you would like to add:


A pop up box will appear and you can choose the Agenda you have just created:


Users can add assets from any page in the application, such as a category along with the What's New and Media Library pages.  


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