Media Manager - Bulk Actions for Categories and Assets


Media Manager supports bulk actions (downloading a multi-category content report, moving categories and media in bulk, or removing/deleting categories and content) within the tool. This article will cover both bulk action functionalities.  

Bulk actions for categories: 

To  download a category content report, move a category, or remove a category, you will want to locate the category or categories within your targeted group.  Once you have done this, tap the "Bulk Actions button on the right side of the category screen: 

Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 1.52.04 PM.png

A checkbox along with a deselect box will appear: 

Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 1.53.07 PM.png


Tap the checkbox to select all categories or individually select each category that you want to move: 

Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 1.53.43 PM.png

At the top of the page, tap either the download, move, or delete button. 

  • Download: The download button will download a report of the entire folder structure of the category or categories that have been selected
  • Move: The move button will relocate the category or categories to another folder within the account*
  • Delete: The delete button will delete the category or categories.  The content will remain in the Media Library as unassociated to a category.  If it is cross tagged to multiple categories, it will remain as such:

Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 1.54.07 PM.png


* Moving categories:  A modal will appear to relocate your categories.  You may choose from a new group by choosing the group from the dropdown at the top of the page and/or by choosing a new category in the modal that appears: 


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Select your new destination location and tap "Save".  Users will be taken to the new category page where the category or categories have been located. 

Bulk actions for media:

Bulk actions are also supported on the media level as well.  To move, copy, and delete content in bulk, you will want to navigate to the category location where the content resides.  Once there, you can chose the bulk actions button on the right side of the page to move, copy, or remove the content: 

Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 1.56.26 PM.png

  • Move: To move the content in bulk, select the content to re-locate then tap the move button.  A modal will appear where you can select a new folder to move the content to.  Once the new location is determined, the user will be taken to the new category location page. Remember to tap "Save" when you are done.  
  • Copy:  Refers to moving a subsequent copy of the content to a new category within Media Manager by tapping the "copy" button.  This does NOT create a brand new file; it only will locate the content to a subsequent category while retaining its original place of origin.  Remember to tap "Save" when you are done. 
  • Remove: The content will be removed from its' category location.  If the media is not cross-tagged to other categories, it will reside in the Media Library, unassociated with a group and category.  Please note that once this action has been completed, it cannot be undone.  

Bulk Actions for the Media Library:

Bulk actions is also permitted within the Media Library.  Unlike what we see for bulk options in categories, the options in the Media Library are a bit different:

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  • Delete:   Users can bulk delete content by selecting it from the below list, then tap the "Delete" button.  Please note this completely removes assets from Media Manager, and cannot be undone. 
  • Edit: Tapping this button will prompt a modal to appear, whereupon users can bulk edit the Tags, Regions, and Languages associated with the assets.
  • Export: tapping the export button will download a report of the assets selected, which includes the asset name, the location, region tag(s), the asset ID, and the landing page link.  
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