In this article you will find resources for different topics regarding the MS teams application. Please see below to quick access different areas you might be needing.
- App Listing
- App Installation
- Signing-in with your Bigtincan Account
- View Files within Teams App
- Working with Copilot
- Share Files
- Notifications
- Signing out of the Bigtincan App
- Prepare for meetings by adding content
- View and Present content during the Meeting
App Listing
The app is listed on Microsoft app store -
App Installation
If allowed, users can install the app by themselves or request to install where the request would need to be approved by the admin.
In most cases, the app would be managed, governed and deployed by Teams admin(s) for all users.
Once the app is installed, the users can get started by signing in with their Bigtican account. More details below.
Signing-in with your Bigtincan account
To get started with using the Bigtincan app, you need to sign in to the Bigtincan app. There are multiple ways to sign-in into the app,
Using the welcome message
- Once you add the Bigtincan for MS Teams app, a welcome message will appear in the chat section of the app showing a Sign In button.
- Click on the Sign-in button and follow the prompts.
Note: You may be asked to select the region if this has not been pre configured for your tenant by Bigtincan.
- You would be taken to the Bigtincan login page where you can sign in using your Bigtincan account. This login page would display the SSO options as configured for the Bigtincan account.
- Upon successful login, you would see an “Authentication successful” message confirming the successful sign in.
- You will also receive a message in the Chat section of the Bigtincan app in Microsoft Teams.
2. Using the Sign-In command
- There is a Sign-in command included in the Bigtincan for MS Teams App, type “sign-in” in the message box and press send.
- The app would respond with a Sign In button. You can click on the Sign In button and then follow the prompts.
- Upon successful login, you would see an “Authentication successful” message confirming the successful sign in. You will also receive a message in the Chat section of the Bigtincan app in Microsoft Teams.
Rich Content Previews
- Once you are signed in with your Bigtincan account, you would be able to see rich Content previews as cards for Content Hub story and file links shared in any of the MS Teams conversations. This is commonly referred to as “link unfurling”.
Note: You would only be able to see previews for content that you have access to.
- The content previews work for both stories and files.
- Story cards display Title, Date Published, Excerpt and the Thumbnail
- File cards display Name, Location, Thumbnail, Date Published and File Type
View files within Teams App
If enabled, the file cards include a Preview button. You can click on the Preview button to view the content with Teams. Alternatively, you can use the Open in Content Hub button, which would then open the Content Hub native app (if installed) or in the Content Hub web app.
Working with Copilot
The Bigtincan app works with Microsoft Copilot.
You can query Copilot to get you the desired content from Bigtincan. You can use the copilot in various places including in Teams, Bing for Enterprise and other places.
- Ensure that the Bigtincan app is enabled for CoPilot - Click on the Plugins icon in the extreme right of the Copilot prompt box and check if the Bigtincan app is enabled. If its not enabled, then enable it. If you can’t see the Bigtincan app here, please reach out to your Teams administrator for getting it enabled for you.
- Provide your prompt - you can do this in an existing chat or a new char. Below are a few example prompts to query Bigtincan content from Microsoft Copilot.
- show me healthcare case studies from bigtincan
- search files related to Case Studies in Bigtincan, published after 1 Jan 2024.
- View and use the response - When Copilot responds, it will include relevant results from Bigtincan and also have a little marker against each result from Bigtincan that you can hover over to view the content car to view additional information and options.
- Check for the sources for the response. These are shown in a collapsible section located at the bottom of the response title as x references where x is the number of references.
Searching for files using the app search
Users can search for desired Bigtincan content in the Bigtincan app by using the app tray in the compose message area
- Click on the 3 dots in the compose message area and then select the Bigtincan app.
- Type the keywords that you want to search for and results should appear in the search section below
- Click on the desired result, you would get a rich card view of the content, allowing you to post this to your chat if desired. The card has options to preview content, open in Content Hub and for sharing it externally.
Share files
- Bigtincan App provides a quick and easy way to share content in Bigtincan right from the Microsoft Teams app. You can search for desired content and create shareable links from the file card.
- In the file card, you would see a Share button. You can click on the “Share” button and follow the prompts to create the share.
- This would open up a share modal, ask for some share link settings.
- The share settings include the link title, access form, and link expiry date. These settings are determined by the administrator / content publishers and may not be available or editable based on your individual permissions within Bigtincan as set by your administrator.
- Once you have chosen the desired settings for the shareable link, you can click on the Generate link to generate the link.
- Click on the Copy button next to the generated link. The link would be copied to your clipboard. You can also select the text and copy it manually.
Note: The Share button would only be present for files that are allowed to be shared.
You would be receiving notifications in the Chat tab when the content shared by you has been viewed, downloaded or forwarded.
Note: Notifications are not turned on by default and have to be enabled on request.
Signing out of the Bigtincan App
- There is a Sign-out command included in the Bigtincan app
- Click on the Sign-out command and send the message, this will log you out of the Bigtincan account.
Prepare for meeting by adding content
Bigtincan app allows users to prepare for their meetings in advance by pre-adding the desired content to the meeting for it to be available during the meeting.
- Open the meeting, and click on + icon for adding a tab.
- Search for the Bigtincan app.
- Click on the Bigtincan app, and then click on save.
- Now a “Bigtincan” tab would be added to the meeting. It may ask you to login to your Bigtincan account.
- Once you are logged in, you can search and add content to the meeting, and also delete any pre-selected record.
View and Present content during the meeting
- When in a meeting, click on the Bigtincan app icon on the top bar. This would open up the Bigtincan app in the sidebar.
- The Bigtincan app would show you all the files that you had already added to the meeting.
- You have the option to search for more files and add it to the meeting.
- Against each file, there is a present icon, which upon clicking would open up the file in Bigtincan.
- If you wish to present this file to the rest of the participants, you can start screen sharing and present the Bigtincan window.