Media Manager supports multi-language tagging for users and assets. With language tagging, administrators can set the user's view for which content they can see based on country or region, or which native language is associated with that particular user.
To activate a language for the account, an administrator will want to navigate to Settings in the navigation menu, then choose Administration and finally Language Settings. Users will be taken to the Language Settings page:
Under Content Languages, an administrator can activate or inactivate a selection of 56 language tags that are currently offered. Tap “Select All” in the upper right hand corner of the modal to choose all languages, or tap on “Unselect All” to deselect your language choices, and then individually select the languages to activate for the account:
If you don’t see the language of choice, use the Search bar at the top of the window to search for that particular language. Please note that English is denoted as a required language for the account.
Remember to tap the “save” button when done in the modal as well as on the Language Settings home page. Once saved, the language tags are now active on the account and can be used for tagging purposes for users and assets.
The Required Content Languages option, also found on this page, allows administrators to choose a language that will be mandated for translation for groups and categories. Accounts come with English as the default language offered for translation, and any language chosen from the Content Languages section will be offered as a selection here. To require any other language for translation, tap in this section to open the modal:
Choose the language to allow for translations by scrolling through the page and make your selection. To choose all languages for translation, tap on the “Select All” button in the upper right of the modal. To deselect all, tap on “Unselect All”. If you do not see the language you are looking for, tap in the Search bar at the top of modal and enter the language you are looking for.
Once your selection is made, tap the “save” button in the modal and once more on the Language Settings page. The languages will now be active for translation use when a group or category is created.