Media Manager - Adding Users

To add Modus administrative users and end users to Media Manager, start by navigating to the User Management menu in the navigation bar and click on “+ Add User” from the dropdown:  

The Add User page will appear, where an account administrator can add the salient details for their users, including first and last name, email address, phone number, as well as establishing a password. Fields with a red dot are required:

Tapping the red Generate Password button on the left side of the page will set up a temporary password for the new user.  For security reasons, Media Manager does not send out passwords, so an account administrator will need to provide the user with the password themselves as they see fit:  

Under “Access”, administrators will also need to designate a User Role, which will define the user’s permissions and content access. Administrators can also assign regions or languages here and deactivate the user. Make sure to hit save when you are done. 

If administrators toggle on “Send Invite,” a welcome email will be delivered to the user with instructions to reset their password and download the mobile apps.  This link is active for 24 hours. 

Adding users in bulk

Administrators can also add users in bulk using the import function and a .csv file. All required fields need to be column headers, and optional fields can be included as needed.  Please note that a column with the title “Invite” with a yes in the cell will send the welcome email upon upload:

Once the user file is ready to import, navigate to the User Management page and click “Import” in the upper right hand corner:

A window will appear, where users will want to tap the blue button that says “Upload data from file” or add the users by copying and pasting manually or typing in the user details per each cell: 

Once your file is processed, click Continue:

Follow the prompts from here and match the fields as needed to import your users:  

Once the mapping for the user import is confirmed, tap the Review button at the bottom of the page.  A window will appear that will ask administrators to confirm their user information.  Tap “Go Back” to move to the previous screen, or tap continue to confirm the upload.  A confirmation message will be seen when the import has been completed.  

Administrators may also export a user list from the Users page.  To do so, tap on the “Export” button in the upper right hand corner.  A list of all users will be exported.  Administrators may use this list to re-import users to make adjustments to their profile; for example, if a region or language tag needs to be changed.  Please note that the spreadsheet, upon re-import, will need to only contain the following columns: First Name, Last Name, Email, Alternate Email (if specified), Role, Groups, Regions, and Languages.  All other columns are not needed and should be deleted prior to re-import.


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