Media Manager - Manage Structure

Modus makes organizing your assets easy. Groups are the top level of organization followed by categories and subcategories. Users can only see one Group at a time when using the Modus platform but they are able to switch between them simply.  

To set up or manage your content structure including Group and Category names and placement, use the Manage Structure page by navigating to the Organize drop-down menu near the top of the navigation bar and then select Manage Structure: 

Once users navigate to the Manage Structure page, they can view, add, or edit their Group(s). To add a new Group, select the “Add Group” button in the upper left corner of the page:  

Once users are on the Add Group page, they will be able to name the group, activate the group, as well as add thumbnails along with a variety of other features that can be activated.  All required fields are denoted with a red dot. Remember to tap “save” to retain all settings and changes:

Once the Group is established and saved, Categories and Subcategories can be added. To do this, click on “Create” in the upper left corner of the page and choose “Category”:

This opens the Category page where users will want to add the name, confirm the parent folder (or Group), activate the category (make it visible for end users), and add thumbnail and banner images as well as other options. Click save when you are done and repeat this process for additional categories as needed. To add a subcategory, follow the same path but start in the chosen parent category where the subcategory should reside:

Once you have added a Category folder within a Group, and are on that category page in Media Manager, assets can be added. Similar to adding categories, navigate to the “Create” button under Contents and select “Asset”:

Once users have decided to add an asset, they may drag and drop from other locations into Media Manager or choose files by tapping on the upload button from their device’s local storage. The assets will upload to the Category that has been chosen, but users can also choose to add them to other categories: 

Users can also select to add a link as an asset by pasting it in the lower text box. 

As mentioned above, if additional category assignments are needed for an asset, click into the Category menu in the Asset General Settings page. 

This pops up a modal where the asset can be assigned to any category in any group in the instance. Choose the Group first in the upper right hand corner and then the categories and subcategories below can be expanded and collapsed to find the correct category to add it to. Don’t forget to save!

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