How do I create a Presentation with Modern Authoring?

A Content Author is able to create presentations via the Content tab as long as a Company Administrator has given authoring access to at least one folder, and enabled the setting "User can create presentations from Upload" in their profile .


To create a Presentation:

  1. Select the My Content tab at the top of your Brainshark account.
  2. Click Create Presentation from the drop-down menu, or by clicking the Create button on the right side of the screen.
  3. Select the Modern Authoring option. Screenshot 2023-10-02 at 9.16.45 AM.png 
  4. After adding a Title, and selecting Create, a new page will launch.
  5. To add slides, select the Slides dropdown.
    Screenshot 2023-09-29 at 1.06.50 PM.png
  6. You are now able to upload from your computer using Local, from Google drive, or from another Brainshark presentation. 



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