Adding Video files to my Modern Authoring Presentation

Video files can be incorporated in a presentation as a slide within the Brainshark player directly. These can also be uploaded as an attachment that opens in a separate browser window, outside of the Brainshark player.


To add video files to your existing Modern Authoring Presentation as a video slide:

  1. Locate the desired presentation in your account.
  2. Select the three dots (ellipses)
  3. Select Edit from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select the Slides drop down.                                                   
  5. Select Files 
  7. Select Save to store changes.

 To add video files to your presentation as an attachment:

  1. Locate the desired presentation in your account.
  2. Select the three dots (ellipses)
  3. Select Edit from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select Assets.
  5. Browse to upload the video file.
  6. Select Save to store changes.

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