What is a BTCA File?
BTCA self-contained applications. BTCA Files are interactive content like VR, HTML5, and Bigtincan Studio content can now be used in HubShares.
How to Share a BTCA File
Administrators must set the proper Platform Configuration permissions
Author’s must set the proper Sharing permissions for the BTCA File
User’s may share file internally or externally
Configuration Bundle Permissions
Administrators need to grant specific access to share BTCA Files via the Configuration Bundle.
Navigate to Platform Configuration>Configuration Bundle
Either edit an existing Configuration Bundle by selecting the Pen and Paper Icon directly across from the Configuration Bundle’s Title:
Or Create a New Configuration Bundle by selecting the Plus Icon at the top of section: -
Once in the “Edit Configuration Bundle” page, locate the “Story Sharing” Section.
Enable the “Can Share BTCA Files” option:
Set the Proper Sharing Permissions for the BTCA File
Once the proper Configuration Bundle Settings have been enabled by the administrator, a publisher must set the proper Sharing Settings for the BTCA File.
Add the BTCA File to the story with which you wish the file to be associated
Once uploaded go to the "File Details Page"
Select the "Options"Tab
Navigate to the “Sharing” Section
Grant sharing permissions by selecting the desired “Share Status”
*Note: All BTCA files that have already been published will inherit a “Blocked” Share Status, while all BTCA files published in the future will inherit the tenant default Share Status.
Share a BTCA File Internally or Externally
Share BTCA File Internally
Once the the appropriate Platform Configuration Bundle permissions are granted, then the Author grants the proper sharing permission for the file itself, then the end user may share the file. User’s may share the BTCA File Internally via the Chat feature in the Content Hub.
Navigate to the "Chat" Section of the Content Hub
Start a conversation with the intended recipient
Select the Add Attachment Option directly to the left of the textbox:
Navigate through theTabs>Channels>Stories hierarchy.
Select the story containing the desired BTCA File.
Select the file and send.
Share BTCA Files Externally
Once the the appropriate Platform Configuration Bundle permissions are granted, then the Author grants the proper sharing permission for the file itself, then the end user may share the file. User’s may share the BTCA File Externally via the a HubShare Email, HubShare Links, or HubShare Rooms:
Select the “Share” Option under the Create Menu
Select a tab to determine if you’d like to share via
HubShare Room
Locate the Add File section:
HubShare Rooms:For more information on adding files to a generated HubShare Room please see Navigating HubShare Rooms. Once files are added to desired method of external sharing, users will send the Email, Link, or share the room with the intended recipient.