Accessing LG Hub - Web App


There are various methods of signing into LG Hub through the Web App:

The availability of these options depends on your security configuration.


Cloud Only (No SSO Setup)

Navigate to 

If your configuration does not have enterprise single sign-on setup, you will only see the option to put in your email and password:

To login, type in your:

  • Email
  • Password
  • Click on Sign In

Enterprise Single Sign-On

If enterprise single sign-on has been setup by your tenant you will need to navigate to the specific URL address. The address will be in the format https//<alias> E.g. 

When you navigate to your specific URL address you will see the two options:

  • Cloud
  • Enterprise single sign-on

If your account has been setup with enterprise single sign-on, click on Enterprise single sign-on and then Sign In.

You will be directed to your company's login page where you will sign in with your company's network username and password. Any issues logging in from the page you are redirected will be an issue with the setup of your SSO and needs to be raised with your internal IT team.


Please note: If your company has set up your account through single sign-on then you will not be able to login through Cloud unless your account has been setup for both.


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