Creating Training Completion Reports in Salesforce

The Training Completion Report provides you with similar data as the User Assignment Report in Veelo. However, by creating this report in Salesforce, you can filter the data using user information that can be difficult to capture in Veelo, such as assigned territory, manager, geographic location, and role.

To create this report, you need administrative access in Salesforce.

This process can be broken down into two tasks:

  1. Adding your custom user fields by cloning theVeelo Assignments with Users custom report type. You can skip this step if you're not filtering your data using custom fields.
  2. Creating the report.

Adding Custom User Fields

If you're not filtering your user data using custom user fields, feel free to skip to "Creating the Report".

Your Salesforce package contains Veelo Assignments with Users, the custom report type you need to create the training completion report. However, due to Salesforce limitations, this custom report type can't be edited to include your custom user fields. Cloning this custom report type allows you to add those custom user fields so that they're available for use in the report you create.

  1. Go to the Setup section of Salesforce, and type "report type"in the Quick Find/Search field. Click on Report Types in the search results.

  2. Select Veelo Assignments with Users from the list of Custom Report Types.

  3. Click on the Clone button to clone this report type.

  4. Enter the required information.

    • In this example, we renamed the new report type to My Veelo Assignments with Users.
    • We recommend keeping the report type category in Other Reports.
    • Make sure that you choose Deployed for the Deployment status.
    • Click the Save button when done.

  5. Go to the Fields Available for Reports area and click on the Edit Layout button.

  6. Add the custom fields to the Field Layout Properties section.

    • Ensure User Fields is selected in the View section on the right.
      Use the Next Page and Previous Page buttons to find the custom fields you need for the report. TIP: The fields are sorted in alphabetical order.
    • Click and drag those fields into the Field Layout Properties section on the left.
    • Click Save when done. You have now successfully added custom user fields to this custom report type.

Creating the Training Completion Report

  1. Click on the Reports tab and choose New Report to start a new report.

    If you don't need to create custom user fields, go to the Quick Find bar and type in "Veelo." From the results, choose Veelo Assignments with Users, and click Create to start a new report.

    If you needed to create custom user fields, go to the Quick Find bar and search for the Custom Report Type you've created in the above section (in this example, My Veelo Assignment with Users). Click Create to start a new report.

  2. In the new report screen, use the Quick Find tool to find the following fields, then add them to the report by clicking and dragging them to the report area:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Assigned Date
    • Completed Date
    • Completed Paks and Files (number of Paks and files the user has completed in each assignment)
    • Total Paks and Files (number of Paks and files in each assignment)
    • Manager: Full Name (if desired)
    • Any custom fields you may have added in the first section of this guide, such as Region, Role, Assigned Territory, etc.
  3. In the Preview area, switch from Tabular to Matrix view.

  4. Click and drag the Full Name field to the far left to create a row grouping by full name. Click and drag the Assignment Name field to the top area to create a column grouping assignment names.

  5. To calculate the percentage of assignments each user has created, you need to add a formula field. In the Fields column on the left, click and drag Add Formula to the Drop summarizable fields into the matrix area.

  6. Create the formula.

    • Name the Formula % Assignments Completed.
    • Choose Percent for the the Format dropdown.
    • Select the desired number of decimal places.
    • Select At all summary levels in the Where will this formula be displayed? area.
    • Copy and paste the following formula in the Formula area:

      MobilePaks__VeeloAssignment__c.MobilePaks__CompletedCount__c:SUM / MobilePaks__VeeloAssignment__c.MobilePaks__PaksAndFiles__c:SUM
    • Click OKwhen done.

  7. If you wish to add filters to this report, click on the Add button by Filters. Type the field you wish to use as a filter for this report, then select the operator and criteria. Click OK when done. Repeat to add more filters.

  8. Click the Save button when you're done. Make sure it's in a report folder accessible to all managers who might need to access it.


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