Syncing Data, Users, and Tags with Salesforce

This guide shows you how to set up these advanced features for your Veelo Salesforce integration.

  1. Data sync
  2. Automatic users and tag provisioning from Salesforce


In order to successfully complete the steps in this guide, you need to have installed and configured your Salesforce Veelo integration, and you need to have administrative privileges in both Veelo and Salesforce.

Feature Overviews

Automatically Provisioning Users and Tags, and Syncing Data with Salesforce

Automatically provision Veelo users from Salesforce. Setup creates an “Enabled in Veelo” checkbox on the Salesforce user record. Checking the box automatically creates the Salesforce user’s Veelo account after Veelo syncs with Salesforce. Unchecking the box will deactivate the user’s Veelo account. Users do not need to log in or take further action to access Veelo within Salesforce.


Enabling this functionality eliminates the need for email sign-ups. It also allows Salesforce to function as the identity provider or SSO for authenticating to Veelo.


The data sync feature allows you to choose which types of Veelo data to sync with Salesforce for robust Salesforce dashboard reporting.


Veelo syncs with Salesforce multiple times daily. Syncing can also be run on-demand through the Management Controls console. 

Automatically Providing Content Access via Salesforce User Tags

This feature allows you to automatically provide content access to users based on their Veelo tags in Salesforce. For example, tagging users with “Sales EMEA” in Salesforce automatically adds them to the “Sales EMEA” Circle within Veelo, giving them access to all the content in that Circle. Salesforce administrators can create workflows that automatically assign user tags based on territory, role, and more.


Part 1: Automatically Provisioning Users and Tags, and Syncing Data with Salesforce

  1. If your Salesforce account hasn’t been connected to Veelo yet, simply go to any Veelo section within Salesforce and log in to Veelo with your username and password to connect them. If you can view Veelo content within Salesforce, your accounts have been properly connected.

  2. Your Veelo implementation contains two custom Salesforce objects: auser objectand theVeelo Tagsobject. These objects need to be added to the user record.

    a. The user object adds enabled in Veelo checkbox, which automatically registers Salesforce users for a Veelo account when it’s checked. This bypasses the email registration process.

    b.Veelo Tags creates a tag pick list, with a corresponding category in Veelo called FDC Tags.

    Go to the Setup section in Salesforce, then search for users. Click on Users, then Page Layouts. Click on Edit in theUser Page Layouts section.

  3. Move the Enabled in Veelo and Veelo Tags objects to one of the sections of the page layout. (You can create a specific section to house these two Veelo-related items, if necessary.) Save your changes.

    You should see the new fields added to the user record. Click the Edit button in the user Detail section to check the enabled in Veelo box.

  4. Replace the default picklist values in the Veelo Tags by going to the customize section in setup > App Setup > Customize > Users > Fields.

  5. Go to the User Custom Fields section and click Veelo Tags.

  6. Find the values section, and click on the new button.

  7. Add picklist values, then hit Save.

  8. Delete the sample Tag.

  9. The Picklist is now available. Go to any User Record, click on Edit, add a tag to the user, and then click Save.

  10. Next, you need to configure your Veelo instance. Go to your Veelo Management Controls area, click on your name in the upper right corner, and click on Organization Settings. Select the Settings tab, then expand the SFDC Data Sync section.

  11. Click on the edit button to edit the options. Select a Veelo administrator with a valid Salesforce account as the admin to connect to

    NOTE: The connecting user needs to have logged in to Veelo through Salesforce in order to show in this picklist.

    NOTE: If the connecting user's Salesforce license is revoked for any reason, the data connection, user provisioning, and tag sync functions will stop working. For this reason, we highly recommend using a role-based Salesforce account (e.g., instead of a specific person. If using a specific person, ensure your Veelo maintenance documentation includes re-assigning a new connecting user when Veelo administrators leave your organization.

  12. In the Veelo SFDC Data Sync section, check the Automatically Provision Users and Tags from SFDC box. In the Data area, select the data you would like to sync with Salesforce for your dashboard reports. Click the Save button when done.

Part 2: Automatically Providing Content Access via Salesforce User Tags

If you wish to use tags to automatically add users to specific Circles in Veelo (and therefore give them access to all the content in those Circles), make sure the Veelo Tags you added to Salesforce have also been added to your Circles. In order for this step to work properly, you need to ensure your tags have been properly provisioned from Salesforce. Veelo syncs with Salesforce several times a day, but you can also sync on demand.


  1. In the Management Controls area, click on Your Organization, and then the settings tab. Expand the SFDC Data Sync section, and click the Update Now button.

  2. Go back to the Management Controls area, and click on a Circle you wish to automatically populate. Expand the active Tags area, and click on the Active Tag button.

  3. Click on Show All Tags and scroll down until you reach the SFDC Tag category. Select the appropriate SFDC Tag for the Circle, and click theAdd Tag button.
  4. Within the next few minutes, the system will automatically add all users that share the same SFDC Tags to that Circle.



Do I need multiple Veelo tenants to connect to my Salesforce sandbox(es) as well as to my production instance?

No. Veelo supports connecting to multiple SFDC environments, such as production and a sandbox, to a single Veelo tenant. For example, if a Salesforce admin wishes to test out different layouts or Veelo's relevance in their sandbox environment, they can connect a user in the sandbox environment to Veelo, and see the user's content in the sandbox. User activity within the Salesforce sandbox will be recorded back into the sandbox. Content access for sandbox vs. production users can be controlled using Veelo Circles


How does Salesforce user provisioning work for multiple connections?

Veelo supports connecting to multiple Salesforce instances using your one tenant. At your request, Veelo's Customer Success team can mark one of the connected Salesforce organizations as the primary provisioning organization, after which Veelo will look in that Salesforce org for users that should be provisioned. When you need to switch user provisioning to a different instance, e.g., from a sandbox to production, Customer Success can change it at your request. You can contact your Customer Success Manager directly, or email

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