Adding content tags not only helps you organize your content, but it also powers your filter bar, boosts search relevance, and drives automatic recommendations for CRM integrations. This article walks you through:
- How content tags work, including how they work with your filter bar
- Adding and removing tags in Veelo
Because each CRM system is different, the specifics of setting up custom relevance will differ from system to system and will not be covered in this article. Search the Help Center for the documentation for your system, or ask your customer success manager for more details.
Article Overview
Content Tags Explained
Creating and Removing Tags
Content Tags Explained
Content tags in Veelo consist of two parts: tag categories and tags. This allows you the flexibility of grouping related tags under one tag category. For example, the Sales Stage tag category would contain individual sales stages as tags (such as Engage, Discover, Scope & Present, etc.).
Content tags serve three different purposes within Veelo:
Boosting Search Relevance
You can boost the search ranking for your content by adding the right tags.
For example: Your products contain long or complicated part numbers, and you know your users conduct partial part number searches when looking for relevant content. You can tag files, Paks, and Collections with the most-commonly used partial searches so they show up when users conduct those partial part number searches.
Driving Automatic Recommendations
The Best Bets area in the Veelo CRM integration automatically recommends the most relevant content using many different factors. Tags are one of the most important, especially before the Relevance Engine kicks in. For example: tagging content to match a sales stage guarantees that the content will appear in the Best Bets area for all records that match that sales stage.
The tag categories here need to be matched to a CRM field that’s a picklist or multi-picklist. The individual tags need to exactly match the field values for that picklist or multi-picklist. Sales Stage, Industry, Product, and Region are some of the most popular choices.
Content Organization and Filtering
The filter bar on the Veelo home page allows your users to quickly and easily drill down to the content they need. These filters are based on your tags.
- Tag categories correspond to filter categories.
- Individual tags are what make up the filters.
Tips and Considerations When Tagging Your Content for Filters
You can add multiple tags in different categories to your content. We encourage this so that you users can more precisely narrow down content by selecting multiple filters.
For example: a data-sheet tagged with Content-Type: Data Sheet and Product: Enterprise will show up when users select both the Content-Type: Data Sheet and Product: Enterprise filters in the filter bar.
When deciding on which tag categories to use for your filter bar, put yourself in your user’s shoes. How do your users typically categorize content as they look for what they need? Do they tend to look for content based on product, persona, sales stage, or something else? Based on our experience, salespeople typically search for products and then marketing content types.
Popular tag categories among our customers include:
- Product
- Content Type
- Sales Stage
- Competitor
- Use Case
- Onboarding
Turning On Your Filter Bar
- Determine which tag categories you would like to use for the filter bar, and We will turn convert those tag categories into filter categories.NOTE:Once we have turned on the tag category as a filter category, you can add individual filters simply by adding tags to that tag category. See below for more details.
- Apply the tag categories and tags to your content; see below for detailed instructions.
- Ensure your content lives in a Circle containing the users who need access to that content. The filter bar will not display any filters that don’t have a tagged piece of content associated with it. If you need help tagging your content in bulk,, and we’ll happily assist you.
TIP: Try not to exceed 12 filters for each filter category, as this can result in excessive scrolling for your users.
Creating and Removing Tags
This next section walks you through how to create and remove tags. The examples below show you how to do it for Paks, but the process is identical for all content types in Veelo.
Creating a New Tag Category and Tags
1. Go to the Paks tab, click on a Pak you’d like to tag, and click on Tag Categories to expand it.
2. Click on the New Category button.
3. Type the name for the new tag category you’d like to create. Click on Show All Categories if you want to ensure a similar tag category doesn’t already exist. Click Add when done.
4. You now have a new Tag Category that you can use for all your different content. To add a new tag, click on the+ symbol.
5. Type the name for the new tag you’d like to create, and click Add when done. This adds the tag to the list of tags available for all content.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to create all the new tags you need for this tag category. Once done, you can delete unnecessary tags by clicking on the tag, then clicking on the Remove button.
Adding Existing Tags to Content
1. Go to the Paks tab, click on a Pak you’d like to tag, and click on Tag Categories to expand it. Click on the+ sign next to the tag category for the tag you want to add.
If you don’t see the tag category in the list, click on the New Category button and click Show All Tag Categories to show all your available tag categories. Select the tag category you want to use, then click on the Add button.
2. Type the name of the tag you want to use. The system will auto-complete the name of the tag if it already exists. You can also expand Show All Tags to display all your available tags for that category, then click on the tag you wish to use. Click on the Add button when done.
Adding the Same Tags to Multiple Pieces of Content
Use this method to save time when tagging multiple pieces of content with the same tag:
1. In the Management Controls area, click on the Paks tab. Select the Paks you’d like to tag by clicking on the checkboxes next to them.
TIP: You can search for an item, select it, then search for and select a different item.
Click on theAdd Tags to Pak button when you’re done selecting the Paks.
2. Type the name of the Tag Category and Tag you wish to add. You can also click on Show All Tags to select a Category and Tag from your existing list.
3. Click Add Tag when done. Repeat this process for as many tags as you need to add to the Paks.
Deleting Tags/Dissociating Tags from Content
1. To dissociate a tag from a piece of content, go to the Pak and expand the Tag Categories section.
2. Click on the tag you wish to remove, and click on the Remove button.
NOTE: This will only dissociate the tag from the content. The tag will still be available for you to use on other pieces of content. If you wish to completely delete or edit a tag or tag category,, and we'll gladly assist you.