Creating Collections

Collections Explained

Collections allow you to group related PAK and files. You can then add Collections to a Circle to provide access to the Collection. You can also tag Collections to help drive relevance for search and, if you’re a Premium or Enterprise customer, for content recommendations in the CRM.

Collections have blue backgrounds on the Veelo Home screen.  Clicking on a Collection will display all the content it contains.

Creating a Collection

  1. Go to theManagement Controls area and click on theAll Content area, then onCollections. Click on theNew Collection button.

  2. Fill out the details in the New Collection screen.

  3. a.Name: The display name for your Collection
    b.Description: A one- or two-sentence description, currently only viewable to fellow Veelo managers and administrators.
    c.Status: OnlyActiveCollections can be viewed by your users. Managers can still editInactiveCollections, but end users will not be able to view or interact with them.
    d.Lock Content: Allows you to sequence the viewing order for content in the Collection. Users must complete previous content before progressing to the next piece.
    e.Report on this Collection as an Onboarding To-Do:This option is only available to Premium and Enterprise customers with Salesforce integrations. This option will pass exam data in this Collection for tracking in Salesforce.
    f.Tile Image: Allows you to upload a custom image to serve as a thumbnail image for the Collection. The image needs to be square, and preferably at least 250px x 250px. If you opt not to upload a custom thumbnail, the default image will look like a folder.
    Click Save when done.

  4. You’ll be taken to your Collection Settings screen. To add content, click on one of the Add [Content Type] buttons. Select the content you’d like to add. NOTE: you can search for the content, select it, and search for more pieces of content. The system will remember the selections between searches.

    Once you're done selecting the content, click Continue, which will take you to the customizable user notification screen. Sending the notification is optional. Click Finish when done.

  5. Click on the Edit Order button to rearrange the order in which your content is displayed. Click Save when done.

  6. To add the Collection to a Circle, click on the Circle tab, then click on Add Collection to Circles. Select the Circle, then click on the Continue button. If you want your users to receive a notification, click on Notify Circle Members of New Paks and Collections and customize the notification email. Otherwise, click Finish.

  7. To add tags to a Collection, see Tagging Content.
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