Adding Veelo to your Microsoft Dynamics Site Map


This article shows you how to add one or more instances of the Veelo content library to your Dynamics Site Map. This is not the Guided Selling® interface, which can be embedded in Accounts, Leads, Opportunities, and Contacts. This free-standing section lets your users browse and search all your Veelo content.

  1. Go to the Settings menu, then click on Customizations.

  2. Click on Customize the System.

  3. Select Client Extension from the Component Type dropdown menu.

  4. Double-click on Site Map to open the Sitemap Designer.

  5. Select the area and group in which you would like to place the Veelo tab, and click Add, then Subarea.

  6. This will open a form on the right. Fill out the form as follows:

    1. Type: Web Resource
    2. URL: Veelo Tab
    3. Title: Veelo
    4. Icon: VeeloLogoInverse32x32

  7. Save the new subarea, and publish your new Site Map.
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