Take mass actions to get content into the right hands faster with our Manage Content feature. It provides all the tools a content admin needs to maintain an organized content library.
The Manage Content page allows you to quickly respond to changing content needs within your organization. For example:
- Adding a large number of new files to your content library? Make sure the content is properly organized and discoverable. Filter for newly uploaded content by created date, then add it to a Collection or apply tags across the selection. Take it a step further by sharing the content with only the groups who will be using it.
- Finishing up a promotion and want to clear out the related content? Filter by tag or asset name, select all, and archive related content.
- Is someone leaving your team? Find all content owned by that user and mass reassign it to ensure no content is lost in the transition.
Knowing what’s there
The Manage Content page’s robust content search is designed around the needs of content admins. Search and filter your content by clicking on the “Filters” button on the right hand side of the page using any combination of the following:
- Title
- Asset Type
- Owner
- Tag
- Recommended status
- Created date
Making Changes
Once you’ve narrowed down your list, select the content you’d like to modify (or select it all!) to start making changes. As soon as you select one or more items, you’ll see a new sidebar appear at the right. Use the options in this sidebar to make changes to the selected content.
- Manage the metadata of the selected content
- Change content owner
- Tag
- Add to Collections
- Archive
- Manage permissions
- Use Access
- Edit Access
- Content Locking
Managing Collections and Tags
You can separately manage Collections and Tags. Click into either tab to make changes to the included items.
- Add a new Collection
- Filter by name, owner and recommended status
- Change Collection owner
- Update Use/Edit access for the Collection
- Add a new Tag
- Filter by Tag name
- Manage Tag permissions (feature available on request)
Managing Archived Content
Need to revisit something you’ve archived? You have full access to any archived content via the Archived tab of Manage Content. Use the same filters to find any content and click “Restore” to bring it back to life. Really done with it? Use the “Delete” option and it’ll be gone forever. Be careful with that one, we mean it.
Access and Permissions
The Manage Content page is available only to admin users by default. If you have a team of users you would like to be able to access this page, update their Group settings to enable access: