In other words, why we think you should rethink allowing email recipients to download your decks.
Allowing viewers to download content you share via email prevents you from collecting information about how that content is being viewed and stops you from updating or revoking content if there are any changes. Where’s the fun in that? That’s why we always recommend keeping the download option OFF.
Not convinced? Here’s a list of all the things you’ll be missing out on if you allow your viewers to download your content:
- View alerts
- Slide engagement insights
- Forward tracking
- Lead form data
- Immediate content updates
- Link Expiration
- On-slide commenting
We understand that there are scenarios when providing a hard copy of a document is unavoidable. If you’d like to allow downloads and still collect some data, we can help you get there.
When enabling the download option, select “End (Force Stats)” under the Link Location menu. This places the download link at the end of your deck, requiring viewers to click through the entire presentation before they download the presentation to their computer. You get slide-by-slide view information for their first pass through the deck and they get a download. Win-win?