Sharing content via ClearSlide captures every viewer interaction for your review. Knowing exactly when someone opened your document, which pages they viewed and for how long equips you with real data on what interests them. Use this to come prepared to your next conversation and move the deal along faster (and impress with your "intuition").
Finding your Link's insights
After you've shared content in ClearSlide (via link, email, or Gmail/Outlook), find reporting on each activity via any of the following paths:
- Enabling "View Alerts" when you create the link or email will send you a real-time notification email when your content is viewed. Click through the link in the email to see what's being viewed and follow up in the moment to maximize your chance to connect.
- Reports on your recently viewed emails and links are available directly from your My ClearSlide activity feed. Activity cards reshuffle dynamically to show the most recently viewed links at the top, so you can strike while you're top of mind.
- Use the Emails and Links dashboard to review your own activity or filter by the owner to review recent activities by others on your team. Click on any record to view the details.
Reviewing Link Activity
The Link insights page shows aggregated engagement with all content on the link as well as a viewer-specific breakdown of each view.
Document and page-level engagement are aggregated in Summary to give you a high-level understanding of what was most popular on your link. See at a glance which content section was most popular, or hover over segments to see page-level view time. If you share content on social media or with a large group, this is a great way to understand trends in your attendee interests.
Scroll down to the Viewer section to dive into a specific viewer's engagement behavior. Engagement data is presented in the same format as the Summary, with scaling bars for each content section and segments for each page view. If the viewer visited your link multiple times, all views will be grouped under the viewer name allowing you to compare how their engagement is shifting over time.
Use a lead form when creating your link to collect viewer names and other contact info when they view your content. If a lead form is not enabled, we'll still collect view information but can't connect it to a viewer identity. You can add a lead form to your link at any time after sharing, see more below.
Download a CSV of all viewer data for your link using the "Download Data" option at the top right of the Viewers section.