How to Format an Email Contact List

Thinking about sending a large email via Compose Email? Want to personalize the email with information specific to each recipient? All are possible using Compose Email if you give us the right info.


ClearSlide provides 3 ways to enter email addresses

1. Entering email addresses manually

  • To enter email addresses manually, type email addresses into the text box. When entering multiple addresses, separate them with commas.


To use the mail merge feature described below include a name before each email address.


"John Doe" <>, "Jane Doe" <>


John Doe <>, Jane Doe <>

2. Uploading a CSV spreadsheet

Upload a CSV (comma-separated-values) spreadsheet to quickly add many recipients and/or specify additional data fields. You can use these fields in the mail merge feature described below to personalize your emails with recipient-specific data.

To create a CSV file, select "Save As" from your spreadsheet program and select the CSV/comma-separated-values option. The file name should end with ".csv".

Below is a list of ClearSlide’s standard mail merge fields. To use any of these fields to personalize your email, label the columns in the first row exactly as follows:

  • email
  • first
  • last
  • company
  • phone

You can also use any number of custom fields that you define yourself. We recommend keeping any custom column labels simple for best results.

Here is an example CSV file(the last column, "title", is a custom field).

3. Re-using a previous list

To re-use a previous email list, simply select it from the dropdown. ClearSlide will copy over all the email addresses as well as any additional data fields.


Mail Merge (AKA personalizing your message for each recipient):

If you have additional data associated with recipient email addresses, you can use our mail merge feature to personalize each message with data specific to that recipient.

Simply type any of the following into your email message or subject line to use any of the standard fields:

  • [email]
  • [first]
  • [last]
  • [company]
  • [phone]

You can also use any of the custom fields you defined in your CSV by typing [field-name], where "field-name" is the column name you entered in the first row of the spreadsheet.


Hello [first], ...

Dear [first] [last], ...


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