How to Search and Sort Content

Whether you're new to ClearSlide or your company uses a LOT of collateral, your Content Library might feel a little crowded from time to time. Thankfully, there are a variety of ways that you can search and sort through your Content to find just what you need! All of the search and sort options listed below will be accessible from all Tabs(All, Recent, Collections, Assets, Email Templates, Favorites, My Content) within the Content Library.

  • Filter by title: Use the search bar to find your Content, Collection orEmail Template by name. 
    • NOTE: While you don't need to search the exact title for your Content to surface, you do need to include at least one, or part of one, of the keywords captured within the title itself. The Filter by title search bar will not search any text included within the actual Asset.                                                                                                  
      • TIP: Establishing certain naming conventions and/or naming best practices across your company or your team will make searching even easier! 


  • Sort: Choose how you'd like the Content to be sorted here. By default, ClearSlide will sort by Relevance, but if you find it helpful to sort Content by Title (alphabetically) or Modified Date, those options are there for you. 


  • Recommended For: If your company uses Salesforce and has chosen to integrate with ClearSlide, you'll see this section appear. Use this search bar to find an Account, Opportunity or Lead that you're working with to quickly identify the most relevant Content. If the Salesforce object that you've selected meets the criteria for any existing Recommendation Rules, the associated Assets will surface here. 
    • NOTE: Recommendation Rules are created by your ClearSlide Admins to surface relevant Content based on specific criteria defined by different objects in Salesforce (Accounts, Parent Accounts, Opportunities, Contacts, Leads, Products, or Campaigns). 
      • Let's say your ClearSlide Admin created a Recommendation Rule that states "Account Type = Prospect" and then they assigned that rule to your Pricing Sheet in ClearSlide. Whenever you search for a 'Prospect' Account in the 'Recommended For...' field, your Pricing Sheet will surface at the top of our Content Library


  • Tags: If your company utilizes Tags as a way to organize Content, those Tags will be visible here. Search for and select the relevant Tag(s) to surface all Assets and/or Templates that have the Tag(s)appended. 
    • NOTE: You cannot append Tags to Collections or to Presentations
    • TIP: Use the number to the right of the Tag to see how many pieces of Content have a specific Tag appended.
      • The '9' next to the 'Insights'Tag(first screenshot) indicates that 9 pieces of Content have been tagged with 'Insights.' When you select an additional Tag in your search, you'll see that number drops to '3' because only 3 pieces of Content have both the 'Insights'TagAND the 'Feature One Pager' Tag appended (second screenshot). 


  • Content Owner: Use this filter to find Assets, EmailTemplates, Presentations, and Collections by their owner. The Content Owner will likely be the person that created the content, or simply the person who uploaded that content into ClearSlide. 
    • TIP: If you're new to your organization and want to see what some of the top reps at the company have uploaded, filter by their name to see their content. Perhaps the Marketing Team is your go-to resource for quality content- filter by a member of their team to look at the content they've uploaded or updated recently.  
  • Content-Type: Use this filter to drill down on a specific file type. 

As you become more familiar with ClearSlide and the way that your team uses content, you'll quickly find a method for searching and filtering that works best for you!

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