How to Update Previously Sent Asset

Do you have content that is updated regularly?

Do you ever wish that you could replace the old content that you sent to a client with the new, shiny version so they always have the latest copy?

Well, thankfully for you, ClearSlide can help with that. 

By leveraging the "Update All" button within a particular asset, you can make changes to a document and then update any versions of it that have been previously distributed via Email Link or Compose Email. Once that button is clicked, the version of the asset that is sitting in your client's inbox will automatically be updated to incorporate your changes. 

1. Within the Content area, select an Asset that you have sent out recently via email (Email Link, Compose Email, via an email plugin).


2. Once on the Asset page, look on the right side of the page for the "Usage Statistics" section (you'll find it underneath any Tags that have been applied to the Asset). "Usage Statistics" will display the number of times the Asset has been used in a Live Meeting and how many times it has been sent via Email (as an Email Link, via Compose Email, etc.). 



3. Next to the "Email" count, you'll see a link to "Update All." Click that link, and you will be prompted to confirm that you want to update previously sent versions. Any version of this Asset that has been sent out via Email will be updated to reflect any changes that have been made. 





Note: Your client will not receive any type of notification that alerts them to the update. This can be helpful if you're doing the update to correct a mistake (no need to highlight that to the client), but if you need/want them to know that you've made a change, you may want to send them an email to alert them about the update. 

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