Manage your Email Subscriptions

As a user, you will be provided with helpful training emails, Content alerts, and feature updates from ClearSlide. To manage your email subscriptions go to your "My Account" section within ClearSlide. Under "Email Subscriptions", you will be able to review and update which emails you would like to receive.

Training info: This is a series of emails that prompt new users to upload content and take basic actions within the platform. They also contain videos on how to do this.

New presentation alerts: Daily emails with newly uploaded presentation that the user has access to.

Team update emails: Top ClearSlide activity within your team account.

Any comments on my activity: Emails you when people make comments regarding your uploads or give feedback on slides.

New Lead Alerts: Sends you an email with lead information when they are assigned to you.Announcements: Product info about new features, ClearSlide news. Once you've reviewed your subscriptions, be sure to click "Save Changes" at the bottom of the page.
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