Note: This guide is primarily focuses on Zunos iOS Forms Users.
Forms are a powerful module for your mobile workforce to capture feedback and other information from the field. However Forms require a good internet connection, whether this is Wifi/Cellular coverage. This is even more crucial in two stages when working with Forms in the field:
First is when your users open the Forms module at the start of their shift or day. This is so that all the forms data is captured by the iOS device. On Web App and Android the update occurs upon the initial login to Zunos. Then when you are either saving or submitting the form you also need to have good reception for this stage as well.
Please find the troubleshooting steps for forms below:
Form submission or saving checklist:
Once you wish to save or submit a form, Zunos recommends following the steps below to ensure the form you have worked on is submitted or saved successfully.
Signal Strength Check:
1. When submitting forms in the field please ensure you have good signal strength. 3-4 bars on 4G or Wifi is recommended, however if you still have issues submitting forms, please check to see if you are able to load a simple web page successfully. Unfortunately signal strength is not always an accurate measurement for data connection performance.
2. Check to ensure your Forms have been updated:
Loading Forms
3. If you are having difficulty saving or submitting a form, this could be due to poor network access. In these instances for iOS users we recommend saving your form offline:
Saving Forms
4. Check you are on the latest version of Zunos, if you do not have access to this you may need to contact your system administrator.
Installing Zunos on an iPhone or iPad
If you have followed the above instructions and still experiencing difficulties please contact your administrator or Support team for further assistance. A screenshot of the error message and entire page would be great, along with some simple steps for how you encountered the issue.