Completing Forms

In order to complete forms on Zunos, simply follow these steps:

  1. Select the form you wish to complete
  2. Complete the fields in the form
  3. Tap Submit or Save Draft. Saved forms will appear in your Drafts folder for you to come back to later. Submitted forms will be sent to your system administrator and cannot be changed unless the Administrator Reopens the form.

*Note: Fields ending with an * are mandatory fields and must be filled in to submit the form.

Forms Toolbar

  1. Forms - A list of all the available forms you can complete will be listed
  2. Inbox - re-opened or assigned forms.
  3. Drafts- where you can view your saved drafts
  4. Submitted - List of the forms a user has submitted with a time and date stamp. A green tip represents the form has been successfully submitted. An hourglass icon means the form is pending approval.

*Note: Some forms may require approval by your system administrator. You will receive a message when your form has been approved. In the case where it is not approved, you will receive a notification on what needs reviewing and the form will reappear in your forms inbox to amend and submit once again.

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