You can see what's going on in Zunos, without opening the app.
View your engagement score in the Today View via the Today Widget or when you 3D touch the app. Ensure you are running version 4.2 or later and iOS 10 on any iOS device.
Add the Zunos Widget to your Today view
- Your Today view is accessed when you swipe right (away from the direction of your apps) and view the summary of information for the day.
- Scroll to the bottom of the list and tap Edit.
- A list of Widgets will appear. Scroll down until you find Zunos and tap the plus sign next to the app to add it to your Today View.
- The 3 lines beside the widgets in your today view allow you to drag and drop items to order your widgets. Drag the widgets you use the most to the top of your list.
- Tap Done when you are finished.
- Tap Show More beside the Zunos Today Widget to see which activities you need to complete.
- Tap the Zunos widget in your Today view at any time to open the app.
View your Engagement Overview via 3D Touch
- On the iOS home screen, press down with more pressure on the Zunos application and wait for the menu to appear.
- When the menu appears, you can preview your engagement score.
- If your engagement score is yellow and doesn't completely fill the bar, this indicates that you have activities to complete in the app such as viewing content or completing a quiz. Simply tap on the widget and the app will launch.
- First time users will notice Add Widget in the top right hand corner of their score, tap this to add this widget to your Today View in iOS. Today View is accessed when you swipe right away from the direction of your apps and view the summary of information for the day.
Note:Text will appear in place of your engagement score reading Engagement dashboard unavailable in the instance that you do not have the Engagement Dashboard feature enabled in your account. Reach out to your administrator to enquire about switching it on.