Create Video Coaching Exercises in Drive

To create a video coaching learning object, you will need: introduction text and an assignment overview,  accompanying materials (as needed), and a list of criteria that the learner will be graded on (you will need  a criteria title and a short description of the criteria). Additionally, you will need a video time limit, an assignment thumbnail and an assignment banner. 

  1. Go to, which will take you to the admin portal. Login with your Zunos credentials 
  2. Navigate to Drive from the left-hand tool bar 
  3. Tap on the Add Content button, located in the upper left corner of the Drive area. Then, select Exercise from the list 
  4. Create a name for your coaching exercise and tap Create 
  5. Add an overview of your coaching exercise by clicking on the text box under Overview.  Typically, this will include any instructions, the assignment goals and general introductory text
  6. Select any Accompanying Materials by tapping the Add from Drive link. These items must  be pre-loaded into Zunos prior to adding them in an exercise. These materials often include  supplementary videos, PDFs, e-Learnings or web links 
  7. Next, add in any assignment criteria. This is what the Learner will be graded on using a scale of 1  to 5 (with 5 being most satisfactory and 1 being least satisfactory). Click the Add new link to  create new criteria or click Add from existing to re-purpose criteria that was used in other coaching exercises 
  8. When you are finished adding in an exercise overview, accompanying materials & assignment criteria, select the Settings dropdown located in the upper right corner 
  9. Within the settings section, add in an exercise description if needed. This will be displayed to Learners before they click into the assignment (this view is dependent on card style used on the  dashboard). You can also set a publish date and assign this exercise learning object to groups of users. 
    • When creating the assignment in drive, you must add all of the groups and/or smart groups that need access. Leaving no groups will make the exercises unavailable to everyone
  10. Click on the Images tab to add in a thumbnail (384x384) and/or a banner (1125x540). The  thumbnail is a circular image whereas the banner is a rectangle. The learner-view of these  images is dependent on how the dashboard card styles are set-up. It’s a best practice to add  images to both sections, as both image styles may be visible to Learners & Managers  
  11. Next, click on the Technical tab to add the Video Time Limit that will be viewable to Learners as they complete their exercise 
  12. When you are finished editing the exercise, click Save and close in the bottom right corner

*Note: These steps enable admins to create a coaching exercise that is available for managers to send in the Zunos applications. Admins can also pre-send these assignments as well. Reference the "Admin Actions: Send Coaching Assignments" article.

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