Time Field Types

Give users options. Create drop down lists, and radio buttons within a form layout.

List single choice

List Single Choice field allows users to select one choice from a dropdown list selector.

List multiple choice

List Multiple Choice fields allow users to select multiple options from a list.

Radio buttons

Radio Buttons allow users to select one choice from a list.

Field Settings

  • Report Label: When a form report is generated, the field title shown in the report can differ from the field title shown in the form.
  • Example Value: Enter in examples to assist users when entering their data.
  • Active: Making the field active or inactive
  • Visible to User: Can the field be seen on the form in the app?
  • Visible in Output: Can the field input be seen in the PDF form receipt (when the form is submitted), drafts or submitted form details in the app
  • Read Only: No data can be entered
  • Mandatory: Is it mandatory to complete this field?

Select a List

  • Select an Existing List: Select an existing list using a dropdown selector of all the lists that have been made using the ‘List’ Section in the admin portal or lists that have been made using ‘Build a List’ in other list fields.
  • Filter List By Another List Selection: Filter the available list options by the selection of a previous list. Build a List.
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