Create a Form Layout

Collect all types of information from your team using forms. To build your own form in the admin portal follow the steps below.

Build a form

  1. Within Drive in the admin portal select Create and select Form. Give your new form a name and save to open the forms builder.
  2. In the top left-hand corner of your form builder, select settings this is where you can edit the settings of your form. 
  3. In the forms builder, start adding sections by selecting Add New Section
  4. Change the name of the section by selecting the cog icon on the right-hand side
  5. Add field types to your form by clicking or dragging (drag and drop) them to your desired section.
  6. Edit the name of your field by selecting the spanner icon next to the name.
    • To edit the field type, select the cog icon.
    • To delete the field select the bin icon.
  7.  Set your form to active before saving.





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