Administrators have the ability to create and track notification activity to their users.
Sent Notifications
To see the sent notification and the notifications status, administrators will navigate to the "Communicate" tab, represented by the speech bubble icon on the very left of their screen.
- Administrators will expand the "Notifications" section and select the "Sent Notifications" tab.
- A log of all the sent notifications will appear in this section, appearing similarly to the following:
- In the upper right of the section appears a series of qualities administrators may manipulate to customize the logged notifications.
All sent notifications have a status represented by one of these colors. Clicking one of these will only show the notifications bearing that status.
White: All
Light Blue: Unread
Blue: Read
Red: FailedPeriod Select this option and specify the time period in which an administrator wishes to see the notification activity. (i.e. Last 30 days, Last 6 months etc.) Sort Select this option for specific qualities on how notifications should appear in the log.
Scheduled Notifications
Administrators have the ability to draft a notification and designate a specific time to send the notification.
- Click the "Communication" icon, seen above, symbolized by a speech bubble to access the "Notifications" section.
- Click the tab under the "Notifications" section entitled "Scheduled Notifications" All scheduled notifications will appear here.
- Click the "New Notification" option in the top right of the section.
- After filling out the appropriate information, administrators will see amongst the other details, the following option:
- Designate the desired date, time, and time zone.