Create Home Screens Overview

For the Web section of Home Screens, administrators can fully customize the Home screen seen on the Web App. Navigate from Platform Configuration > Home Screens > Web > Create Home Screens. 

After administrators select the "Create Home Screens" option, they will be prompted to following screen: 


Administrators will click the pen icon next to the "Untitled" to edit the title. 

Add Module

Click the "Add Module" button to begin customizing the Home Screen. 

Click the desired module and it will be added to the Home Screen Mock Up located in the box directly below the title. 

1. Featured Stories Module:  If added, a banner containing Featured Stories will be added to the mock up. The story's author determines whether or not they wish the story to be a Featured Story.

2. Stories Module: If  added, administrators can customize a variety of characteristics pertaining to the stories displayed within this module. 

  1. Start by customizing the module's name with the text box titled "Module Title". The title should indicate what kind of stories user's will see on their homepage.
  2. Then select the drop down menu titled "Story Source." Here, administrators will select from a variety of options.
  3. Determine how many stories will be displayed. Options include 1 through 20.  
  4. Decide if the stories are displayed as a grid or list.

3. People Module: If added, administrators can customize a variety of characteristics pertaining to the people displayed within this module.

  1. Start by customizing the module's name with the text box titled "Module Title." This title should indicate who will be seen on the user's homepage. 
  2. Select the drop down menu titled "People Source" and indicate what collection of people will be displayed  from a variety of options.
  3. Determine how many people will be displayed. Options include 1 through 20.  
  4. Decide if the users are displayed as a grid or list.

4. Files Module:  If added, administrators can customize a variety of characteristics pertaining to the files displayed within this module.

  1. Start by customizing the module's name with the text box titled "Module Title." This title should indicate what kind of files will be seen on the user's homepage. 
  2. Select the drop down menu titled "File Source" and indicate what collection of files will be displayed from a variety of options.
  3. Determine how many files will be displayed. Options include 1 through 20.  
  4. Decide if the users are displayed as a grid or list.

5. Add-Ons:Administrators may select an Add-On based on the Add-Ons previously uploaded to "Home Screen Add-Ons Section."  After clicking the Add-Ons option in the modules, administrators will see the following screen: 

Select the desired Add-On. An Add-On may be an entire homepage, or a small module cooperating with the other modules. 

Edit Modules

All added modules will appear in the preview box, directly below the title. 

  1. Administrators can edit the module by clicking the "Edit" button in right corner of the module. 
  2. Directly to the right of the Edit button, is the delete option. Click the trash can icon to delete that module from the Mock Up. 
  3. Administrators can move a module to a different space within the home screen by clicking and dragging the module to the desired position. 
  4. Resize the module by clicking and holding the two slanted lines in the bottom right corner and moving either in or out to  respectively shrink or grow the module.
  5. To clear the entire Mock Up and start from scratch, click the Red Button encompassing an eraser in the upper left corner of the screen: 
  6. Once completed, administrators will click either the "Save" or "Cancel" buttons in the right corner of the page.
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