Configuration Bundles allow administrators to customize various Hub options for users. Users are assigned to Configuration Bundles to control the way application will behave for them. To create a configuration bundle:
- Navigate to Platform Platform Configuration > Configuration Bundles.
- Click on the + button to add a new Configuration Bundle.
- In the Details section, give the Configuration Bundle a Name, and optional Description.
- Proceed to configure the various options (see below).
- When finished, click Save to create the configuration bundle.
- To edit an existing Configuration Bundle, click on the Pencil icon to return to open the Edit Configuration Bundle page to edit/change options.
- To delete an existing Configuration Bundle, click the Trash icon to permanently delete the Configuration Bundle. *Note: Deleted Configuration Bundles cannot be restored. Any users currently assigned to a Configuration Bundle that is deleted, will be reassigned to the default Configuration Bundle.
*Note: Users are added to a specific Configuration Bundle via the Edit User function from within Users section of the Platform Configuration area.
The options available in the Edit Configuration Bundle page are listed below.
Options | Description |
General Settings | Allows you to configure basic settings such as browser restrictions, thumbnails, download limit and more. |
Channels | Allows you to configure channel subscriptions. |
External Integrations | Allows you to configure connections to cloud repositories and CRM applications. |
Features | For tenants with specific/special features enabled, this section allows you turn them on/off for users in the bundle. |
Home Screen | Allows you to configure home screens for user devices. |
Story Settings | Allows to to configure the story settings available to users. |
Story Options | Allows you to configure the actions that users can perform on the content. |
Story Sharing | Allows you to configure sharing options available to users. |
UI | Allows you to configure the various user interface options available to users. |
Web App | Allows you to choose the landing page when users log in. |