Mobileiron Core for Android Guide


This guide is needed when setting up a new Android for Work/Android Enterprise environment within MobileIron Core.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Log into your MobileIron Core system
  2. Go to the Services> Google tab 
  3. Click the Support Portal link (, then go to the Android enterprise Enrolments tab. 
  4. Click Begin for the Recommended Setup 
  5. Then click Submit to be taken to Google's site to associate a Google account with Android Enterprise.  Complete the steps outlined on the Google Site and then download the .json file to download.
  6. Return to the MobileIron Core page, and upload your new .json file on the right hand side, then click Connect
  7. It should now look something like this. Optionally choose whether your applications install via Apps@Work or Google Play.
  8. Navigate to the Apps Catalog, and tap Add+, then select Google Play and enter 'Bigtincan' as the search text:
  9. Select 'Bigtincan Hub' and click Next. Follow the steps, then on this screen ensure Install this app for Android Enterprise is selected
  10. Scroll down and you can then setup the configuration settings for different MobileIron groups, or just configure the default settings, for example:
  11. Then click Finish
  12. Now select the checkbox next to the Bigtincan Hub application in the list, and choose Actions→Apply To Labels, then select Android
  13. On your MobileIron Core attached device, run the Mobile@Work application - if you haven't done this previously, it should prompt you to encrypt/reboot your device to set up the Android Enterprise profile. Otherwise it will just update the application/configuration settings
  14. Select the menu in the top left and choose Apps@Work - depending on your distribution setting in step 8, it may take you to the Google Play Store.
  15. Select 'Bigtincan Hub' and tap Install
  16. Note when running the application from the Android applications menu, only the Bigtincan hub icon with the suitcase in the corner is enabled for Android for Enterprise
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