Users can have a customized footer message at the end of their HubShare messages. To add a custom footer navigate from Platform Configuration > General > HubShare Portal
Custom Footer Message
To add a Footer Message, administrators will begin by typing the desired content into the text box provided, looking similar to this:
Administrators can edit the text in various ways including:
And adding an external link, represented by the chain icon.
Once the desired text is entered, administrators will click save in the upper right corner and this footer will be added to the bottom of the HubShare Portal UI that's accessed by anyone receiving a HubShare from the system.
Here's an example of what the footer looks like when viewing a document within the HubSharePortal:
Forward Option
Users can share content from the Hub to outside sources through HubShare. For more information refer to HubShares. Now Administrators can decide whether or not they wish this content to be forwarded with the Disable Forward option. Simply click the box at the bottom of the screen
If enabled, this will remove the forwarding button on the HubShare Portal, rendering all content viewed within the HubShare Portal unable to be shared beyond the original recipient.