Dark Mode and Light Mode Customization

Bigtincan Content Hub supports both “Light Mode” and “Dark Mode” across all Web, iOS, Android, and Windows devices. Administrators in the Content Hub can customize their color schemes to best fit their organization. 


Customize Dark/Light Mode Colors

Administrators can customize the color scheme associated with Dark/Light Mode so they are tailored to their organization’s brand guidelines. To customize the Administrators will:

Navigate to Platform Configuration >  General > Customization


  1. Located the “Colors” section, located at the top of the Customization page. 

  2. Administrators will see a section similar to the following:

  3. Administrators will have options for both Dark and Light Mode.
    --Base Color
    --Light Base Color
    --Dark Base Color
    --Accent Color
  4. Designate the color for each by selecting the Color title. Designate the desired color on the following window:


*Note: Administrators may select the “Automatically generate light and dark variants of the Base color” option. Doing this allows the administrator to select the “Base” Color and all other colors will automatically generate in complimentary.  


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