Custom Welcome

Navigate from Platform Configuration > General > Custom Welcome

The Custom Welcome option allows for a set of up to five screens that are displayed to new users when they first login. These 5 screens can be used for a variety of purposes such as, on-boarding users, giving users an overview of the app, getting users to agree to the app usage guidelines, and more. 

This is an optional feature that can be disabled by selecting the Disable checkbox. 

If enabled this, each screen can be customized. 

  • Title: Enter the screen title.
  • Description: Enter a brief description using the available editor. Customize the font, size and style of the description using the editor. Upload an image using the Upload Image button. Enter the image URL, and specify the height, width and alignment for the image. 
  • Accept Button: Choose between  "Done" or "Agree/Disagree" for the accept button. If a user clicks Disagree, then the user is logged out of the Hub. 

*Note: If you want to reactivate the welcome screens to existing users, modify the reset settings in Manage Users.  

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