Configuring Story Options

The content bundle options allows you to configure permissions to various actions that users perform on the content present in the Hub.  


Option Description
Annotations Allows users to use annotations for the story. 
Events Allows users to add events to stories. 
Expire Allows users to retire the story. If users choose to retire any story, it will no longer be available after the expiry date. 
Featured dates Allows users to set featured dates to stories. 
File URL Allows users to insert URLs of files to stories from remote repositories.  
Location constraints Allows users to specify the geo location in which their content can be accessed. If users set a specific location to the content, then it can be accessed only from the specified location. 
Notifications Allows users to set notification alerts when stories are updated, changed or edited.  
Priority Allows users to set the priority for stories. 
Protected Allows users to make their story password protected. 
Publish date Allows users to include the publish date of the story. 
Tags Allows users to add tags to story. 
Web File Allows users to add HTML files to stories. 
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