Custom Naming Convention

The Custom Naming Conventions option allows for changes in reference to the structure and content in the Bigtincan Hub. By default, the content in the Hub is organized as Story, Channel and Tab


Name Customization

Change these names to reflect the company's branding and processes. To change the naming conventions of the content, navigate to Platform Configuration > Custom Naming Conventions. A page similar to the following will appear: 

Change the Set Language

Administrators can set different names for different languages. The appropriate naming convention will be displayed based on the user's selection of language in the web app and mobile device.

Administrators may set a unique set of names for different languages. Designate the appropriate language by selecting the drop down menu labeled "Language." 

Customize Structure Names

After the designated language, administrators may label the different  structures of the content. Click to corresponding text box and type the new title.

Option   Description
Tab - Singular and Plural  Enter the desired name to refer to Tabs.
Channel - Singular and Plural  Enter the desired name to refer to Channels.
Story - Singular and Plural  Enter the desired name to refer to Stories.
Meeting-Singular and Plural Enter the desired name to refer to Meetings.


Customize Story Flag Options

Administrators can customize labels for the 3 different story flags. These customizable labels allow Administrators to tailor User feedback to the business processes. Users will be able to Flag stories using these new labels across all devices - allowing Content Publishers to receive actionable feedback on content from the people who use those materials every day.

To edit the story flags:

  1. Navigate from Platform Configuration > Custom Naming Conventions. 

  2. Find the section labeled 'Story Flags"  similar to the following:

  3. Select the textbox associated with each flag style and add the desired title. 

  4. Select the "Save" option in the top right of the screen to finalize the process.

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