JavaScript Bridge API and BTCA Files


The purpose of the JavaScript Bridge API is to allow users to create BTCA files that can request data or perform actions in the Hub.

Important Changes from 2.0

JavaScript Bridge 3.0 brings support to Web App. Some actions have been removed and responses have been modified in order to provide support to all platforms. JavaScript Bridge 2.0 support will be phased out in the future. 

What are BTCA files?

BTCA files are sandboxed HTML5 applications. A regular XMLHttpRequest is not permitted to run when a BTCA file is loaded in the Hub. All requests must make use of the JavaScript Bridge API, see below for usage instructions.


The recommended method of interacting with the JavaScript Bridge is to include btca-client in your project. You can access the BTCA Client Library on NPM for further installation and usage instructions.


Below is a list of actions and available parameters. Parameters prefixed with an asterisk (*) are required.

Parameter defaults

Some parameters have a global default. These are not required to be passed when sending an action.

  limit:  5,  // Number of results, maximum is 100
  offset: 0   // Offset of results, used for pagination


Add or remove Interest Area assigned to the current user’s account.

removeInterestArea should be set as the action if you wish to remove. id can be retrieved with getInterestAreas.


  id:       *Integer   // Interest Area id


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.1.0


Close the current active file or all files in the File Viewer.


  option:       *String    // 'all' or 'currentTab'


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.1.0


CloudFiles services for connecting to CRM (Salesforce / Microsoft Dynamics). Note: All other parameters not specified below will be set as query parameters on a GET request.


  url:       *String,   // valid Cloudfile URL
  method:    *String,   // GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE
  body:      Object,    // key/value pairs sent as JSON (POST/PATCH only)
  headers:   Object     // key/value pairs to set to request header

Example Usage

  action: 'cloudFilesProxy',
  params: {
    url : '/v0/accounts/sampleAccountId/raw',
    method : "POST",
    body : {
      records : [
          name : 'SampleAccount',
          attributes : {
            type : 'Account',
            referenceId : 'ref1'
          numberOfEmployees : '100',
          Contacts : {
            records : [
                title : 'President',
                email : '',
                lastname : 'Smith',
                attributes : {
                  type : 'Contact',
                  referenceId : 'ref2'
          industry : 'Banking',
          website : '',
          phone : '1234567890'
    headers : {
      'X-Kloudless-Raw-Method' : 'POST',
      'X-Kloudless-Raw-URI' : '/services/data/v40.0/composite/tree/Account'


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.3
Web 5.0 Beta 12
Windows 5.4.6


Create a new comment on a Story.


  storyId:       *Number,
  message:       *String


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.3.0


Reply to a comment on a Story.


  commentId:     *Number,
  message:       *String


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.3.0


Create a file from base64 data, in preparation to attach to a Story with createStory.


  fileData:      *String,  // base64 data
  fileName:      *String,  // file name
  fileExt:       *String   // txt, csv, json, png, pdf


  tempURL:       String    // file (iOS) or Blob (Web App) URL


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 13
Windows 5.6.6


Start the pitch creation process to create a new document using the PitchBuilder feature.


  visual:       Boolean   // Show the PitchBuilder user interface.  Note:  Currently, this *must* be set to true.


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.4.0
iOS 5.5.0
Windows 5.4.0


A hub share can be sent programmatically or the user can be redirected to the Hub Share UI by setting visual.


  to:        Array       // Array of email addresses to share the files with
  cc:        Array,      // Array of email addresses to CC the hub share email to
  files:     Array,      // array of files ids to share
  subject:   String,     // Set the subject of the hub share email
  message:   Integer,    // Add a message to the hub share email
  visual:    Boolean     // Shows hub share UI with prefilled data when set to true. Default value - true.


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.4.0
iOS 5.6.4
Web 5.32.0
Windows 5.6.2


A Story can be created programmatically or the user can be redirected to the Create Story UI by setting visual. On iOS, new Stories are created as drafts and will be sent to the server in the next synchronisation cycle which occurs every 30 seconds. The request also allows a temporary file to be attached if fileData, fileExt and fileName are provided. Note that attaching files is not supported on Web. If creating a Story with expiryTimeStamp, you must also set a valid expiryTimeStampTz. See List of tz database time zones.


  channelId:            *Integer    // Primary Channel ID
  title:                *String,    // Story title
  description:          String,     // Story message description
  excerpt:              String,     // Story message excerpt
  expiryTimeStamp:      Integer     // Unix timestamp
  expiryTimeStampTz:    String,     // Timezone string, e.g. 'Australia/Sydney' (not supported on device)
  fileData:             String,     // Required if fileExt or fileName exists
  fileExt:              String,     // Required if fileData or fileName exists
  fileName:             String,     // Required if fileData or fileExt exists
  notify:               Boolean,    // Enable device notifications
  visual:               Boolean,    // Show Create Story UI with pre-filled data
  attachmentURLs:       Array,      // fileURLs to upload and attach to Story
  tags:                 Array,      // Story tags
  events:               Array,      // Story events
  files:                Array,      // Story files


Pass an array of URLs provided by createFile. This may be a local file reference (iOS) or a Blob URL (Web App).


On Web App, isPending will be true and the response will include the full Story entity.

  id:         Integer,        // Story ID if created on the server, otherwise set to null
  isPending:  Boolean         // Server pending status


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.3.0


Functions in the same way as createStory, requires a storyId to be passed.


  storyId:              *Integer,   // Story ID
  channelId:            *Integer,   // Primary Channel ID
  title:                String,     // Story title
  description:          String,     // Story message description
  excerpt:              String,     // Story message excerpt
  expiryTimeStamp:      Integer,    // Unix timestamp
  expiryTimeStampTz:    String,     // Timezone string, e.g. 'Australia/Sydney' (not supported on device)
  fileData:             String,     // Required if fileExt or fileName exists
  fileExt:              String,     // Required if fileData or fileName exists
  fileName:             String,     // Required if fileData or fileExt exists
  notify:               Boolean,    // Enable device notifications
  visual:               Boolean,    // Show Create Story UI with pre-filled data
  attachmentURLs        Array,      // fileURLs to upload and attach to Story
  tags:                 Array,      // Story tags
  events:               Array,      // Story events
  files:                Array,      // Story files


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.3.0


Navigates to the User Edit Profile view.


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.1.0


unfollowUser should be set as the action if you wish to unfollow.


  userId:   *Number


  id:         Integer,        // User ID
  isFollowed: Boolean         // Follow status of user


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.3.0


Returns an array of bookmark data.


  entityName:       *String,    // name of entity (story, fileCollection)
  offset:           Integer,    // offset for pagination
  limit:            Integer,    // number of results
  sortBy:           String      // valid sortBy attribute based on entityName

Supported sortBy Attributes Per entityName

Defaults are in bold. Note that createDate and bookmarkDate (Unix Timestamp seconds) should return the results in descending order (ie. most recent first).

Entity sortBy
story bookmarkDate, title
fileCollection createDate, name


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.4.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.4.2


Returns CRM account ID of the current user. Returns 0 if not authenticated.


  accountId:    Integer  // CRM account ID

Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
Web 5.0 Beta 12
Windows 5.4.6


Returns an array of draft Stories.


  offset:           Integer,    // offset for pagination
  limit:            Integer,    // number of results
  sortBy:           String      // entity sort attribute


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web -


Returns a full record of the requested entity. See Entities for expected response.


  entityName:   *String,             // file, story, user
  id:           *Integer/String      // id of entity or variable (see below)


id can be set to the following to return active entities.

entityName id
file currentFileId
user myProfileId


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.1.0


Returns an array of Events between the given start date and end date, sorted by start date in ascending order.


  fromDate:           *Integer,    // mandatory, Unix timestamp in seconds, seconds since epoch
  toDate:             *Integer,    // mandatory, Unix timestamp in seconds, seconds since epoch
  limit:              Integer,     // optional, default and max 100
  offset:             Integer,     // optional, default 0
  channels:           Array,       // optional, array of channel ids to fetch events from specfic channels


Platform Support

Platform Availability
Android v5.3.1
iOS v5.6.3
Web v5.26.0
Windows v5.5.4

Platform Support for channels parameter

Platform Availability
Android v5.4.2
iOS v5.7.3
Web v5
Windows v5.6.6


Returns an array of featured list.


  entityName:       *String,    // name of supported entity (story)


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.5.2
Web v5.9.0
Windows 5.4.3


Returns an array of available Interest Areas. Use addInterestArea to subscribe.

Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.1.0


Returns an array of entities. By default, only the partial objects are returned, the rest of the attributes that are part of the full object can be fetched using the includeAttributes optional parameter which accepts an array of attribute names. Please refer to Entities for more details. parentEntityName and peid parameters can be used to return entities associated with a parent.


  entityName:         String,    // name of entity (tab, channel, story, file, user, link)
  parentEntityName:   String,     // name of parent entity, required with peid peid: Integer, // parent entity id, required with parentEntityName showAlias: Boolean, // include stories from non-primary channels as well includeAttributes: Array // optional attributes eg. [‘author’, ‘message’] * currently available for story entity only  createDateSince: Integer // timestamp - number of milliseconds since Unix Epoch, filters stories published on or after this timestamp createDateTo: Integer // timestamp - number of milliseconds since Unix Epoch, filters stories published on or before this timestamp offset: Integer, // offset for pagination limit: Integer, // number of results sortBy: String // valid entity sort attribute }

Supported Parent Entities

Entity Parent Entity
channel tab
story channel, tab
file story

Platform support for includeAttributes Parameter

Entity Platforms
story Web, iOS 5.5.3, Windows 5.4.4, Android 5.2.1

Platform support for createDateSince and createDateTo parameters

Entity Platforms
story Web, iOS 5.4.3, Windows 5.6.1, Android 5.1.7

Platform support for showAlias Parameter

Entity Platforms
story Web, iOS 5.2, Windows 5.4.4, Android 5.2.1

Supported sortBy Attributes

Defaults are in bold. Note that createDate(Unix Timestamp seconds) should return the results in descending order (ie. most recent first).

Entity sortBy
tab channelCount, name
channel name, storyCount
story createDate, title, likesCount, authorFirstName, authorLastName, sequence, score, readCount
user firstName, lastName, score
file createDate, description, size
fileCollection createDate, name
link name


thumbnail property in web will return the url of the image whereas in other platforms it wil return the local path to the image.


Platform Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.1.5
iOS 5.5.1
Web v5.5.0
Windows 5.1.0


Returns the current geolocation data.


  lat:                  Number,   // latitude, -180 if unavailable
  long:                 Number,   // longitude, -180 if unavailable
  lastUpdatedTimestamp: Integer   // unix timestamp seconds

Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.3.0


Returns an array of entities sorted by date.


  entityName:       *String,    // name of entity (story)
  offset:           Integer,    // offset for pagination
  limit:            Integer     // number of results


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.1.0


Returns an array of recommended entities.


  entityName:       *String,    // name of entity (story, file)
  offset:           Integer,    // offset for pagination
  limit:            Integer     // number of results


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.1.0


Returns information about the current Hub instance.


  appName:              String,       // Name of app (Hub Web App, Hub for Android, Hub for iOS, Hub for Windows)
  appVersion:           String,       // Version of app
  bridgeVersion:        String,       // Version of JavaScript Bridge
  locale:               String,       // locale. For moblie devices - uses device settings(region and language), for Web - uses language set in users's profile.
  mainThemeHexColor:    String,       // Hex value of company base color
  serverURL:            String,       // URL of server
  terminology:          Object,       // nounPlural, nounSinglar objects with tab, channel, story string values
  userId:               Integer,      // ID of current user
  mdmCustomConfig:      Object        // Device-only, contains custom configuration for MDM-based deployments

Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.1.0


Returns an array of tags. On devices, the tag list would be restricted to user content permissions i.e. only the tags that are associated with the content that the user has access to, would be returned. While on the web app, tags across the whole content would be returned.


  query:              String,     // performs a contains operation
  offset:             Integer,    // offset for pagination
  limit:              Integer,    // limit for pagination, max 100


Platform Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.5.0
iOS 5.8.2
Web 5.55.2
Windows 5.6.8


unlikeStory should be set as the action if you wish to unlike.


  storyId:   *Integer


  id:         Integer,        // Story ID
  isLiked:    Boolean         // Like status of Story


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.1.0


Opens the AR Camera if the AR Camera is enabled.


  • 103

Platform Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.4.2
iOS 5.7.2


Navigates to the specified entity UI.


  entityName:   *String,  // tab, channel, story, file, fileCollection, user (device support below)
  id:           *Integer  // id of specified entity
  disableLegacyRouting:    Boolean  // allows to open Stories as Modal from Home page. (Web)

Entity Support

Entity Platforms
tab Web
channel Web
story Web
file Web
user Web


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.1.0


Navigates to or displays the Interest Areas view.

Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.3.0


Navigate to the specified menuType.


  menuType:   *String   // chat, company, content, me, meetings, notes, notifications, calendar (web only)


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.1.0


Opens the URL in the File Viewer on devices or a new browser tab on Web App.


  url:          *String    // Valid URL
  inAppBrowser: Boolean    // A false value opens the URL in native browser, otherwise the URL would open up in the in-app browser.


Platform Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.1.0

Platform support for inAppBrowser Parameter

Platform Availability
iOS 5.7.1


Perform a request to a custom end-point. All other parameters not specified below will be set as query parameters on a GET request.

Note: It is not possible to target the current Hub API server. These APIs are subject to change at any time, their usage is not recommended or supported.


  url:       *String,   // only supports "https" scheme
  method:    *String,   // GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE
  body:      Object,    // key/value pairs sent as JSON (POST/PATCH/PUT only)
  headers:   Object     // Key/value pairs to set to request header
  disableCredentials: Boolean   // do not send credentials in the headers

Example Usage

action: 'proxyRequest',
  params: {
    disableCredentials : true,
    url : '',
    method : 'POST',
    body : {
      title : 'foo',
      userId : 1,
      body : 'bar'
    headers : {
      'Content-type' : 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 12
Windows 5.4.2


Returns the content of the file based on fileId provided.


  fileId:   *Integer,             // id of file

Supported File types

Platform File Types
Android csv, json, txt
iOS json, txt, xml
Web csv, json, txt
Windows csv, json, txt


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.1.8
iOS 5.4.7
Web v5.5.0
Windows 5.4.1


Navigates to the Search view and performs a search with the assigned keywords.


  keywords:   *String


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.1.0


Returns results of a file search.


  q:   *String,
  limit:      Integer,    // number of results
  hidden:     Boolean,
  shareable:  Boolean,


  result: result: Array, // file entities


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.1
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.4.0


Returns results of a search. Note that comment and event return full object attributes.


  keywords:   *String,
  type:       *String,    // 'all', 'tags', 'stories', 'files', 'comments', 'users', 'feeds', 'events', 'notes'
  limit:      Integer,    // number of results
  offset:     Integer     // for pagination


  comments:   Array,    // comment entities
  feeds:      Array,    // story entities
  files:      Array,    // files entities
  events:     Array,    // event entities
  users:      Array,    // users entities
  stories:    Array     // story entities


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.1.0


Returns results of a story search.


  q:   *String,
  limit:      Integer,    // number of results
  hidden:     Boolean


  result: Array, // story entities


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.1
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.4.0


Present the platform’s default email composer with pre-filled data.


  to:       *String,      // Email addresses separated by commas
  cc:       String,       // Email addresses separated by commas
  bcc:      String,       // Email addresses separated by commas
  subject:  String,       // Email subject
  body:     String        // Email body

Version Support

Platform Availability
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.1.0


unsubscribeStory should be set as the action if you wish to unsubscribe.


  storyId:   *Integer


  id:           Integer,        // Story ID
  isSubscribed: Boolean         // Subscribed status of Story


Version Support

Platform Availability
Android 5.2.0
iOS 5.1.1
Web 5.0 Beta 10
Windows 5.1.0


Force quitting all running process and direct user to switch account UI.

Version Support

Platform Availability
iOS 5.1.1


See below for the expected response for each entity type. Each entity has a “partial” and “full” object. Full objects are returned in getEntity. Partial objects are returned elsewhere unless specified otherwise. Attributes that are part of the full entity response are prefixed below with a question mark (?).


  channelCount: Integer*,                // Total number of Channels
  channels:     ?Array,                  // List of Channels
  id:           Integer,                 // Unique identifier
  isPersonal:   Boolean,                 // Previously type = 1
  isShared:     Boolean,                 // Previously type = 2
  name:         String*,                 // Tab name
  thumbnail:    String,                  // Path to thumbnail
  type:         String = 'tab';          // Static value


  defaultSortBy: String,                 // Default Story sorting attribute
  description:   String,                 // Channel description
  id:            Integer,                // Unique identifier
  isFeed:        Boolean,                // Channel contains feed articles
  isHidden:      Boolean,                // Hidden Channel
  isReadable:    Boolean,                // Current user can read this Channel
  isSubscribed:  Boolean,                // Current user is subscribed to this Channel
  isWritable:    Boolean,                // Current user can publish to this Channel
  name:          String,                 // Channel name
  storyCount:    Integer,                // Total number of Stories
  stories:       ?Array,                 // List of Stories
  thumbnail:     String,                 // Path to thumbnail
  type:          String = 'channel'      // Static value


  author:           ?Object,             // User object of author (Not returned if `isFeed`)
  badgeColour:      String,              // Hex color of Content IQ badge
  badgeTitle:       String,              // Title of Content IQ badge
  bookmarkDate:     Integer,             // if bookmarked, timestamp when story was bookmarked (returned in getBookmarkList API only)
  channel:          ?Object,             // Primary Channel
  commentCount:     Integer,             // Total number of Comments
  comments:         ?Array,              // Comments on Story
  createDate:       Integer,             // Timestamp of Story creation on server
  enableAnnotation: ?Boolean,            // Annotations allowed on Story's files
  events:           ?Array,              // Events related to Story
  excerpt:          String,              // Excerpt of Story message (plain text - not supported on device)
  expiryDate:       Integer,             // Timestamp when Story will be archived by the server
  featuredImage:    String,              // Featured Image URL for featured stories, ** only returned in the getFeaturedList API **
  fileCount:        Integer,             // Total number of Files
  files:            ?Array,              // Files attached to Story
  id:               Integer,             // Unique identifier (Internally referred to as `permId`)
  initialCreateDate:Integer,             // Timestamp of initial story creation
  initialPublishDate:Integer,            // Timestamp of initial story publish
  isBookmark:       Boolean,             // Current user bookmarked the Story
  isFeed:           Boolean,             // Story is from an RSS feed
  isLiked:          Boolean,             // Current user liked the Story
  isProtected:      Boolean,             // User requires password to access Story. Protected Stories are not saved on device
  isSubscribed:     ?Boolean,            // Current user subscribed to the Story
  isUnread:         Boolean,             // Current user has not read the Story
  likesCount:       Integer,             // Number of Likes
  message:          ?String,             // Story description (normally HTML)
  notify:           ?Boolean,            // Story will send push notifications when updated
  readCount:        ?Integer,            // Total number of time Story opened by users
  quickFileId:      Integer,             // Quickfile ID
  quickFile:        ?Object,             // File object
  quickLink:        String,              // URL of Quicklink
  sequence:         ?Integer,            // Priority of Story, use for sorting by priority
  sharingType:      ?Integer,            // Sharing Type bit mask value, refers to: email, server, facebook, twitter, linkedIn
  socialURL:        ?String,             // Link of the public URL for sharing
  subscribers:      ?Array,              // List of subscribers
  tags:             ?Array,              // List of tags
  thumbnail:        String,              // Path to thumbnail
  title:            String,              // Story title
  type:             String = 'story'     // Static value


  author:     Object,                    // User object of author
  comments:   Array,                     // List of comment replies
  createDate: Integer,                   // Timestamp of Comment creation on server
  id:         Integer,                   // Unique identifier
  isPending:  Boolean,                   // Pending state for syncing to server
  message:    String,                    // Comment content
  story:      ?Object,                   // Related Story (included in searchResult)
  type:       String = 'comment'         // Static value


  endDate:   Integer,                    // Timestamp of Event end date
  startDate: Integer,                    // Timestamp of Event start date
  isAllDay:  ?Boolean                    // allday event
  id:        Integer,                    // Unique identifier
  name:      String,                     // Name of Event
  story:     ?Object,                    // Related Story (included in searchResult)
  timezone:  ?String,                    // Timezone string, e.g. 'Australia/Sydney' (not returned on iOS)
  type:      String = 'event'            // Static value


  category:      String,                 // Category of file (image, video etc.)
  createDate:    Integer,                // Timestamp of creation on server
  description:   String,                 // File description
  downloadURL:   String,                 // URL to download file (only on Web)
  editedLocally: Boolean,                // File has been edited locally
  filename:      String,                 // File name
  id:            Integer,                // Unique identifier
  isDownloaded   Boolean,                // File has been downloaded to device. Web: Returns `null`
  sharingType:   Integer,                // sharingType: 0/1/2 (blocked, optional, mandatory). Android: Fixed value `mandatory`
  size:          Integer,                // Size of the file in bytes
  story:         ?Object,                // Related Story
  tags:          Array,                  // List of file tags
  thumbnail:     String,                 // Path to thumbnail
  type:          String = 'file',        // Static value
  url:           ?String                 // URL to view file

File Collection

  createDate: Integer,                   // Timestamp of creation on server
  id:         Integer,                   // Unique identifier
  files:      Array,                     // List of Files
  name:       String,                    // Collection name
  type:       String = 'fileCollection'  // Static value


  badgeColour:       String,             // Hex color of badge
  badgeTitle:        String,             // Badge title
  email:             String,             // Email address
  firstName:         String,             // First name
  followers:         ?Array,             // Followers of the current User
  following:         ?Array,             // Users the current User is following
  groups:            ?Array,             // Groups the user is in
  id:                Integer,            // Unique identifier
  lastName:          String,             // Last name
  score:             Number,             // User score
  subscribedStories: ?Array,             // Stories the current User is subscribed to
  thumbnail:         String,             // Path to thumbnail
  title:             String,             // Title set by User
  type:              String = 'user'     // Static value


  colour:       String,                   // Hex colour
  id:           Integer,                  // Unique identifier
  isPersonal:   Boolean,                  // Only current User can see this Link
  name:         String,                   // Link name
  thumbnail:    String,                   // URL to thumbnail
  type:         String = 'link'           // Static value


Only returned by getEntity (user).

  groupType:  String,                     // ...
  id:         Integer,                    // Unique identifier
  title:      String,                     // Group title
  type:       String = 'group',           // Static value
  users:      ?Array                      // List of users

Interest Area

Only returned by getInterestAreas.

  colour:       String,                   // Hex colour
  id:           Integer,                  // Unique identifier
  isSubscribed: Boolean,                  // Current user is subscribed
  name:         String,                   // Interest Area name
  thumbnail:    String,                   // URL to thumbnail
  type:         String = 'interestArea'   // Static value

Search Entities

See below for the expected response for each search type type.


  id:               Integer,             // Unique identifier (Internally referred to as `permId`)
  title:            String,              // Story title
  channel:          Object,              // Primary Channel return {id: Integer, name: String, hidden: Boolean}
  excerpt:          String,              // Excerpt of Story message (plain text - not supported on device)
  author:           Object,              // User object of author return {id: Integer, firstName: String, lastName: String, email: String}
  tags:             Array,               // List of tags return [{id: Integer, name: String}]
  fileCount:        Integer,             // Total number of Files
  thumbnail:        String,              // Path to thumbnail
  quickFileId:      Integer,             // Quickfile ID
  quickLink:        String,              // URL of Quicklink
  createDate:       Integer,             // Timestamp of Story creation on server
  type:             String = 'story'     // Static value


  id:            Integer,                // Unique identifier
  filename:      String,                 // File name
  description:   String,                 // File description
  tags:          Array,                  // List of tags return [{id: Integer, name: String}]
  downloadURL:    String,                // URL to download file (only on Web),
  sharingType:   Integer,                // sharingType: 0/1/2 (blocked, optional, mandatory). Android: Fixed value `mandatory`
  category:      String,                 // Category of file (image, video etc.)
  thumbnail:     String,                 // Path to thumbnail
  story:         Object,                 // Related Story Only return { id, revisionId}
  type:          String = 'file',        // Static value


Each error response returns a code and message value to assist debugging.

100 - Invalid Request

Syntax error of the URL or invalid action/jsListener.

101 - Missing Parameter

Parameter is missing or empty.

102 - Invalid Parameter

Parameter type or value is invalid.

103 - API Error

External or internal API error is passed through.


  code:         Integer,        // Error code
  message:      String          // Description of error


"); var articleBody = $(".hg-article-body"); var articleHeader = $(".hg-article-header"); contentWrapper.append(ToC).append(articleBody); articleHeader.after(contentWrapper); }); /* Enable fixed nav on scroll */ $(window).scroll(function () { var x = 80; var b = 140; var distanceFromBottom = Math.floor($(document).height() - $(document).scrollTop() - $(this).height()); if (distanceFromBottom = x) { $('.side-toc').addClass('side-toc-fixed').css({ bottom: "" });; } else if ($(this).scrollTop()

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